I am at work now, so I can only throw out some comment without much thought behind it.
Jervis Johnson's article in the current White Dwarf was interesting, if from no other perspective than my non-competitive enjoyment of the game (since the early Rogue Trader days), fluff and well, yes, realism.
Reading his comments, then seeing this:
http://darogscompany.blogspot.com/2012/09/codex-csm.html, I wonder if the article was harbinger of codices to come. I do not have a codex outside the Tau and Vanilla Marines, so I do not recall seeing that kind of unit points allocation before (ie it appears any infantry unit is required a champion/sarge/etc). It may not be anything new, but it seems new and Jervis' article seems to lay the ground work for that kind of change - on the "official" level.
From the perspective of the way I like to play, I see it as a good thing. Thoughts?