I can pretty much promise that WHEN Battleground does a GT that the Dark Star guys, at least, will be asked for feedback on the scenarios (at the minimum) before the event.
If Troy goes on to win the GT because he knew what the scenarios were going to be a couple weeks before everyone else, cool. Will people bitch? Yes. Will they have legs to stand on? Yes. Will I lose sleep about it? Nope.
Shouldn't it be expected that some of the top players in the area help with the design of scenarios for a large event?
Aren't the scenarios made public before the event anyways? For some reason I thought Adepticon were the only guys that didn't make them public ahead of time.
I don't know... Part of me likes to read about the perceived imperfections of other TOs, the other part of me wonders / admires how they have the time and... gusto to organize a 4-600 person, weekend long event in the first place.