Author Topic: *Closed* WHFR 2nd Edition Campaign"New Beginings and Broken Accords" Game  (Read 4109 times)


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2nd Edition
"New Beginnings & Broken Accords"

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is a brutal world for adventurers and common folk alike. Death is around every corner, be it from one of your own, thieves and thugs, beasts of the wilds, or Chaos as it lurks and festers throughout the Old World. Do you have what it takes to venture out of your mundane livelihoods and leave the shackles of poor, famished, struggling common life and become explorers of the world and brave the depths of caverns and darkest forests to carve a life of fame and fortune?

GM Background: I have been GMing since I was 16 (now 36) when all my friends found out I was a great storyteller and threw me into that role. I just recently acquired the source books for Warhammer Fantasy 2nd Edition. 1st Edition was brutal and fun and flowed nicely, but lacked a little of the detail and combat system that makes the game better. Being new to 2nd Edition, there will be times when we need to go to the books for reference, but storytelling is still my favorite thing in the world. I have come up with a great campaign to start us off in the 2nd Edition world of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.

Players: I am looking for 4-6 players to join my campaign to have fun sloughing through the Old World, fending off Chaos and the evils of the world, and maybe along the way switch sides and help Chaos tighten its grasp on the world through your deeds.

Playing times:
Currently we are playing on Monday nights from 7:00pm-Close (or when everyone needs to leave). We can look at weekly or bi-weekly, depending on what the group wants to do.

Post here or PM me for more information.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2013, 09:42:20 AM by StrategicCommand »
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Re: **New** Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition Campaign
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2012, 05:52:20 PM »
We currently have 3 players looking for 2-3 more.

Matt D,
Erick K,
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Re: **New** Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition Campaign
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2012, 06:29:37 PM »
Our campaign started last night...

"New Beginnings & Broken Accords"

Character: Norgrond (Dwarf Rat Catcher)
Player: Robert R.

Character: Odric Kummel (Human Pit Fighter)
Player: Matt D.

Character: YrRaSir Felhand (Elven Apprentice Magician)
Player: Erich K.

Our brave adventurers, who each happened to patronize the same coaching inn, "The Three Feathers," on the same night, awoke the next morning to a commotion as a rider, exhausted and tired, fell from his horse. After the adventurers came to his aid, the stranger told his tale of his village and its troubles. He explained he must continue to Middenheim and seek Empirical assistance from their military or councils. He begs anyone for help as he continues on and sends our group of three south to his village some four days travel away.

These three strangers in the Inn quickly become a united band of fellows aiding the lone rider. Along the road south towards the village of "Reikwalds Meadow", they came across a sacked wagon surrounded by a group of goblins, one of which was riding a vicious looking dog and was shouting out commands in their wicked tongue. The Melee that ensued was quick and fierce as both sides sought to slay the others quickly and get back to what they were doing. Soon all the Goblins were slain or fled and our brave adventurers tended their wounds.

After moving on, the band came across the horse that was pulling the wagon and claimed it as their new mount. It took three more days of traveling and following the map, left to them by the lone rider, when "Reikwalds Meadow" came into view. Entering the small village it was clear to see that this settlement was no more than a year old. Houses with fresh thatched roofs, newly built cobblestone walls, two farms with sowed fields, and in the center of the town was a large stone well almost completely built. No more then Forty to Fifty people lived here from the size of the village, but already they had built a small cemetery and it was clear that twelve of the graves were freshly filled in with earth. As the band of adventurers walked down the street people backed into their homes, closed their shutters, or nervously watched these strangers move past.

The only fully completed public structure was a Tavern/Inn called the "Keg & Pillow" or at least that was the name by the carving on the sign above the door.  Inside our band found a gathering of villagers and a boisterous Halfling named Bomwick Tanglefoot, who was excited to receive his group of non local patrons. Our band quickly informed the overzealous Innkeeper that they were sent here by the lone rider and offered up their assistance anyway possible. Bomwick's mood changed to a sullen tone as he realized no one would ever be a patron of his bar once the village news spread.

Out of the crowd of villagers stepped a broad shouldered man with a handlebar mustache and barrel chest.  He introduced himself as Baldrick Heinrick, the village headman. His story of what has befallen his village follows:

"We are not even a sanctioned village by the Empire yet, we are to young, we have nothing to offer the Empire in way of trade or coin yet. We have no watchman, no militia, no cleared roads of gate-man. We hope to soon have those things and become protected under the Empire. But i am afraid the Empire will just over look us after I tell you our tale... Thirteen days ago, It was late afternoon and my son and a few of the others were digging the well and placing stones, when my son who was at the bottom of the well digging broke through to a chamber of sorts. My son described the place, a dark tunnel of sorts, but he could not see very well. Around him on the floor was a number of these... (Balrdrick placed a wrapped cloth in front of the adventurers who opened it to find a green iridescent crystal shard.) We pulled him up and covered the well to investigate it on the following day when the sun would give us better view of what was down there.
That night a fog covered the village and not even the sounds of nature could be heard, It was a unnatural fog and then I heard him. I heard my son wail in terror and when I burst into his room there he lay death had become him with his face frozen in terrorizing fear. My wife the village healer tried to make sense of it but it was to late, that morning we buried my son. It was so unexplained we did not know where to look or who to ask for an explanation only that his time here was cut short. That day no one worked on one held any joy for it was the first of us to die in this place. That night the Miller's son dies the same way. The next Johan our dairy farmer lost his son. And the next and following nights one by one until last night when Gustav, our blacksmith who you met his son was taken in terror. Twelve in all and each night another joins them in death terrorized and frozen in fear. I am not sure what aid you will be able to give us but anything is welcome. I fear the Empire will just let us fade in to shadow and doom in this dark forest. We are but common folk with no knowledge of what kills our friends and family. Assist us and we will try to make it up to you some how. Take our money we have collected for taxes, or tools or services if that would convince you to stay in this cursed place and help us."

Upon his completion of the tale the three strangers who have now forged a bond as companions, decide to investigate the structure beneath the well and aid the village how ever they can. It was almost 1pm when our brave adventurers headed down into the well lowering themselves onto the cold stone floor some 35 feet below the surface. Quickly the Elf and Dwarf scanned the area and spotted numerous other crystal shards on the ground along with a intricately designed golden support with a massive chunk crystal still sitting in its perch. As the Pit-fighter lit torches he to could observe what his companions saw.  This place was a tomb. Not by design but more so that countless bodies lay scattered around the structure all long dead and decayed. Corpses of men, woman, and even children lay sitting against walls, in huddled piles or leaning against corners. No wounds of any kind mark their ancient bodies only time and air have killed these people.

The main chamber was smooth and carved and solid stone, a spiral staircase lead down to another level and off of this room was passages rough carved by pick and axe, shovel and sweat. Down each of these tunnels they opened up into small caverns where mining equipment was found scattered around the space. A table and lantern was found in the northern chamber along with a very high quality magnifying glass of elvish design. In the southern cavern our adventurers came across a cave in. Using the pick the Dwarf cut a path big enough for the Elf to squeeze through.  Searching that small cavern alone he was ambushed by a Giant Cave Spider. Avoiding the initial strike the Apprentice Magician ran for the exit and dove through to avoid another venomous attack from the beast. The Pit-fighter Calandalis fearing nothing from his life in the arena dove through the opening and battled the beast being assisted by the Norgrund the dwarf who found his footing underground and attacked along side Calandalis. Norgrund wound and paralyzed by the Spiders venom was dragged backwards by the spider while Our other heroes battled on to save him and slay the giant cave spider. Victory was theirs as YrRaSir Felhand focused his mind and bore the full might of his spells on the beast exploding its body in a flash of purple/green light.

Two hours had passed when the party descended the stairs to the 2nd level of this tomb. More bodies yet fewer this time again the party searched this floor, following passages of rough carved rock to more small caverns finding nothing of interest expect two things.  A corpse with a chisel and hammer and an inscription on the wall. It reads:

"A Curse on all who take what is not theirs. A Curse on those that break accords. We shall take what was given to us even though we will soon be no longer of this world. Curse the Wizard who tricked us, and sentenced my tribe to death!"

The other was a room with a Dwarven made iron door reenforced and sealing a room off the southern chamber. YrRaSir Felhand found the key and gave it to Norgrund the Dwarf since this door was of his kinds craftsmanship. Norgrund turned the key and activated a long dormant trap on the door which not only knocked back the Dwarf but also destroyed the lock fusing it to the key and forever sealing the door. Intuition struck the players as they realized it was almost sunset. Better retreat from this place and see what the night will hold for them and the villagers....

What will happen next time....  Check back here soon and see!
« Last Edit: September 04, 2012, 07:45:47 PM by Matthew »
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Re: **New** Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition Campaign
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2012, 10:29:45 AM »
Second gaming session Part 1:

Character: Norgrond (Dwarf Rat Catcher) (absent)
Player: Robert R.

Character: Odric Kummel (Human Pit Fighter)*Core Player
Player: Matt D.

Character: YrRaSir Felhand (Elven Apprentice Magician)*Core Player
Player: Erich K.

Character: Hugo Lang (Human Hunter)*New Player
Player: Wade J.

Character: (Elven Mercenary)*New Player
Player: Necco P.

Once back on the surface the brave threesome quickly went to the "Keg and Pillow" where they found the town healer and she took Norgrond into her care for his injuries were severe and his hands were burned from the electrical shock of the Dwarven door trap. He would remain in her care for treatment and healing. (Unfortunately Rob could not make tonight's session) The Elven Apprentice Magician and our stout Pit-fighter described their daily explorations of the underground chambers to Baldric and warned him of what they have found.

With the sun slipping below the horizon, YrRaSir and Odric stood guard outside the well as peasants and villages shut their shutters and locked their doors preparing for the fear and terror that has been plaguing this village for the last two weeks.

Time seemed to slow as our brave companions stood watch, waited and waited until by the moons height it was close to 11:00pm. A breeze seemed to blow emanating from the well in the center of town. Out of the opening crept a thick billowing cloud of fog that drifted down the sides and across the ground quickly becoming ankle deep around the whole of the village. Now fully alert and ready to defend the village the two guards watched and waited. I took only a few minutes for the fog to become waist deep and soon chest high when out of the well burst a huge column of fog rocketing up some thirty feet and spreading out across the rooftops and surrounding buildings. Visibility instantly dropped to no more then a few feet and smothered all signs of light from torches and lanterns around the village.

The Odric felt something brush by his shoulder passing him, unnerved by this the Pit-fighter swung his deadly great Axe to slay whatever this presence was and quickly realized he was to close to YrRaSir and pulled his blow to avoid cutting into his companion. Then from behind the Apprentice Magician a shape formed out of the fog its Spectre like claws and visage sent shivers down Odric's spine as the creature launched an assault on the Apprentice Magician. Odric leaped in the apparition path and took the blow, a painfully sharp icy grip grasp his head as visions of horror and death washed over the stout Pit-fighter and paralyzed him in fear. Out of the corner of his terrifying vision Odric saw a flash of green purplish light fly past and strike the creature in the face. Realizing it could be wounded by these new villagers the Spectre vanish into the fog and fled for a more easy victim.

As Odric snapped out of the horrid vision, both our adventurers heard a girl scream from the cottage closest to the well and ran to her aid. But it was to late, The spectre had killed again and it turned and looked at the two brave humans and vanished. With the Spectre gone the fog faded away and the town was left alone for one more day.

The sun rose hours later and the town wept for the loss of one more from the village. Feeling defeated and tired from the nights ordeal the two adventurers rested against the outside of the Inn's wall when two strangers walked into town.

More to come in Part 2 of Session 2.....
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 10:28:43 PM by StrategicCommand »
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Re: **New** Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition Campaign
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2012, 10:58:15 PM »
Second gaming session Part 2 of 2:

Character: Norgrond (Dwarf Rat Catcher) (absent)
Player: Robert R.

Character: Odric Kummel (Human Pit Fighter)*Core Player
Player: Matt D.

Character: YrRaSir Felhand (Elven Apprentice Magician)*Core Player
Player: Erich K.

Character: Hugo Lang (Human Hunter)*New Player
Player: Wade J.

Character: (Elven Mercenary)*New Player
Player: Necco P.

The two new travelers introduced themselves and retold their own story of a run in with a Blacksmith on the road to Middenheim to seek aid and promised to journey here to see if they to could assist the village in need.

After intentions were set and the nights events explained to Baldric it was time to descend once again in the underground rooms and search for more clues. This time the party took with them equipment from the blacksmiths shop including crowbars, hammers, and chisels set with the intention of opening that one room that was now sealed from the Dwarf's accident the day before.

It took a while for the new comers to get over the mass grave they viewed once below ground and YrRaSir took his time with the crystal shards to rebuild it in hopes to restore what magic this crystal held.

The hours passed in the underground compound as the companions searched and worked at the door. Hugo Lang the Hunter found a curious amulet necklace charm on the dead man who craved the curse into the wall.

Finally the door was pried free after hours and hours of work. Inside the room was dark but once the door was opened two torches sprang to life and flickered with an unnatural flame.  The room almost twenty feet by ten feet was clearly a study of some sort. On one wall hung a large map which after closer study was clearly a section of the Reikwald Forest. It seems that this underground structure was marked on the map along with four others and in the center of all of these marks stood the symbol for a tower. Now that the door was open The Apprentice magician was summoned there to see what his intellect could tell him about what happened here. YrRaSir found a few tomes one of them seemed to be a journal all about Wyrd Stone, the other a journal of notes and documentation of Journeyman spells and cantrips and the other a book on mining and refining ores by the Dwarves.

Getting into the room and assembling and almost completing the crystal shard puzzle had not only taken all day but well into the night. Suddenly the fog began to rise from the floor of the under-chamber and sent our adventurers fleeing for the upper levels and to the surface. Fear over took them as they each scrambled their way up the rope and onto the dirt of the village above.

Again the Spectre appeared and assault the group of travelers. This time they were prepared and while the Apprentice Magician continued to draw upon the winds of magic forming darts of energy that struck again and again against the undead creature. It seemed that our brave band was gaining the upper hand until the spectre vanished and fled into the Inn.

Odric Kummel, YrRasir, the Elven Mercenary and Hugo Lang all ran to the Inn but found the door locked and barred. Again and again Ordic and the Mercenary put their foot and shoulders to the door, but the scream of terror inside told them they were to late. Finally the door gave way and the Halfling Inn Keeper laid dead on the floor, scared to his end. The spectre seemed rejuvenated and shrieked through the adventurers and disappeared back in to the fog which soon returned to the well whence it came.

Once the sun crested the treeline once more the town mourned the loss of another friend and neighbor. This time it was the adventurers who had a word or two to say to the village headman Baldrick.  The Elven Mercenary was more then influential and with the others backing up his strong words they convinced the head man and all in the town to leave and head north to the Wayside Inn for safety.

Moving the how village took time and it was nearly sun down by the time the last of the villagers headed out to the main road. For the first time since the well broke through to that underground chamber no one died that night. It seems the curse is only around the site of the village and no further.

Four more days passed and finally everyone including our adventurous band walked in and settled around the "Triple Feather" Coaching Inn.

A little bit of rest and who knows what will happen next....

« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 10:26:53 AM by StrategicCommand »
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Re: **New** Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition Campaign
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2012, 09:21:29 PM »
Third gaming session: Part 1 of 2

Character: Norgrond (Dwarf Rat Catcher)*Core Player
Player: Robert R.

Character: Odric Kummel (Human Pit Fighter)*Core Player
Player: Matt D.

Character: YrRaSir Felhand (Elven Apprentice Magician)*Core Player (*Absent)
Player: Erich K.

Character: Hugo Lang (Human Hunter)*Core Player
Player: Wade J.

Character: (Elven Mercenary)
Player: Necco P.

With the villagers settled in around the coaching Inn, it was time for the group to move on and check out the other locations on the map found in the underground chamber.

Just before they departed YrRaSir departed heading an unknown destination but swore an oath to return as soon as possible.

So with fresh supplies a mule and enough rations to make their journey the now three adventurers, the Pit-fighter, Mercenary, and Hunter made their way to the first of three additional dig sites.

Here are some of their excerpts below from their journals...

From the Journal of Norgrond the Rat Catcher:
"We set off from the triple feather in search of some places marked on a map. As we worked are way thru the forest, I hit a trip wire which launched an ambush by some goblins who attacked us. I unluckily got hit so hard by one of those green bastards that his hit broke my tankard and basically nut shot me and I fell unconscious. (For the second time this adventure ugh). After being woken up we continued on our way and arrived at a big stone.  After moving the stone, the elf and I advanced down the stairwell into a room which had a trip wire we found, I used my rat pole to set off the trap, which proceeded to collapse the tunnel on the other side. (Why does bad stuff always happen to me). After the elf went back up to tell the rest of party, I went to the part of the tunnel that collapse and managed to find a red gem and a few gold nuggets (Cha Ching). We decided to dig at the cave-in to get to other side of the collapse. Once down there we went and investigated a room that looked like a place where people get food and water, but found nothing our first time looking. We came back to the main room and went down the left tunnel, but found nothing in the room at the bottom of the tunnel other then some shovels. When we went down the right tunnel, the human pit fighter noticed a huge spider on the wall (Eww Spider) that came down and I missed getting out of the way and took a blow to the face which paralyzed me and knocked me out of combat. (For the third time this adventure). After the group killed spider, we went back to the first room we searched and the elf found a key type stone with a Dwarven rune on it. We inserted it in the wall space and the water drained away showing a door. I took the key and inserted it in the door and opened it, finding some vials of weird liquid. After this we headed back to the surface and moved on....."

From the Journal of Odric the Pit-fighter:
"Well, the townsfolk are safe for now.  The curse can't touch them where they are.  We'll come back and check on them when we rid the world of that, that thing.  I don't understand why I can't land any swings.  The ax passes through it like it's not ever there.  Yet it's touch is real enough.  I've seen enough death and blood to last ten life times.  None of that prepared me for the first time we battled with it.  One touch from it and I was rooted on the spot, paralyzed with fear.  I always thought I was fearless.  You can't survive in the Pit if you are afraid.  That thing terrified me.  It took a villager's dying scream to get me to move again. 
Some kind of bird landed on Yr-in-sir's shoulder.  They looked at each other for a while before she said she had to go somewhere and took off.  She'd better come back, she's our only weapon against the ghost.  The dwarf Norgrand has returned.  The town's healer is amazing.  You'd never guess he was thrown across the room after getting struck by lightning from a door.  The elf assures me that's what happened.  I've seen too much since earning my freedom to not believe her.  The other elf, Ist' something, decided to stay with us.  His name doesn't matter.  He's good with that bow, that's good enough for me.  I'm glad the hunter Hugo decided to stick around, we'll need him as we go looking for these other mines. 
Traveling through the woods was a good change.  Or so I thought at first.  It didn't take long to realize that all those trees and underbrush are great places to hide for an ambush.  Sure enough, a band of goblins burst from the foliage and attacked us.  They must have been desperate to attack an armed party of equal number.  Maybe they were after the mule.  Maybe they just can't count.  You never know with goblins.  The battle was short.  By the time I dispatched the one that attacked me, the rest were dead and the dwarf was down.  I rushed over to render aid only to find that his tankard saved his life.  The goblin aimed a killing blow to the dwarf's groin only to strike the tankard.  The strength of the blow must have incapacitated the dwarf.  He wasn't wearing any armor so he took the full force of the strike.  No wonder he has been walking funny the last few days.  Or is that just how Dwarves walk?
The first mine was in the middle of a small clearing.  A large stone block covered what turned out to be a familiar spiral stairway leading down into the earth.  With help from the mule we were able to move the stone and access the stairs.  We found another room belonging to the magician we are chasing.  After taking a scroll, a book and some vials full of liquids, we left and resealed the entrance to the room.  We'll have Yr-Ra-Sir look those over when we see her again.  We also kept the key to this chamber in case it opens up other rooms in the other mines.  The remainder of the mine was two large rooms.  One was empty, the other contained a giant spider.  While we were exploring the room, I spotted it climbing down from its web on the ceiling.  My cry of warning was not in time.  It pounced on the dwarf and took him down.  That dwarf is turning out to be lucky.  He takes two vicious blows without armor and survives without a scratch.  We need to get him some armor.  I also need to teach him how to strike back.  If he doesn't have a weapon beyond that staff, I'll give him my hand ax.  Where was I, oh yes, the spider.  That thing was fast.  I ran over and took a swing only to find it gone before I was ready for another blow.  The hunter's arrow must have struck true because the spider ran right for him.  After wounding a few of us, the spider fell to the combined fury of the hunter, the elf and my ax....." 

By this point the characters rested and continued their journey to the next of two remaining locations left to explore before heading to the center of their map and what looks like a tower of sorts.
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Re: **New** Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2nd Edition Campaign
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2012, 09:31:03 PM »
Third gaming session: Part 2 of 2

Character: Norgrond (Dwarf Rat Catcher)*Core Player
Player: Robert R.

Character: Odric Kummel (Human Pit Fighter)*Core Player
Player: Matt D.

Character: YrRaSir Felhand (Elven Apprentice Magician)*Core Player (*Absent)
Player: Erich K.

Character: Hugo Lang (Human Hunter)*Core Player
Player: Wade J.

Character: (Elven Mercenary)
Player: Necco P.

Again lets look into the journals of our brave questers.....

From the Journal of Norgrond the Rat Catcher:
After this we headed off to the third x on the map. As we traveled through foot hills we saw a caravan that we stayed away from as we traveled. As we got to the third x, we saw foot marks of a big creature but didn’t see one in the area. I went down the stairs to find sludge so we tried digging at other locations but I fell into muck twice (Why Me!). During digging one of the holes a swamp troll came and the Pit Fighter did some kind of voodoo to cut the troll clean in half with one swing (Never saw something like this before). He took the shoulders for padding....

From the Journal of Odric the Pit-fighter:
Our next target was a mine located in the rolling hills to the north.  After a half days walk we reached the hills.  As we passed through the hills we came upon a caravan going east.  My first thought was a trade caravan that we could  resupply from.  It turned out to be a prisoner convey heading towards the prison mine to the east.  Those poor souls.  They will go in there and never come back out.  At least the men I was imprisoned with had the honor of dying with a sword in their hands.  Those prisoners will be worked to death in brutal conditions.  That is no way for a man to die. 
The cover stone for this mine was located in a dead swamp.  All the trees, underbrush, everything in the area was dead.  The hunter also found large foot prints in the area.  I did not want to stay in this area long.  This whole area felt...wrong.  I did not win my freedom by ignoring my instincts.  Even ignoring my instincts, the smell that erupted when the stone was removed was the worst odor I have ever smelled.  I was violently sick, the contents of my stomach finding the light of day again.  I have been in small rooms crammed with unwashed men, some still bleeding, some who soiled themselves.  That was pleasant compared to the smell coming from the mine.  The dwarf tried going down the stairs only to find it totally flooded.  We then attempted to dig down into one of the tunnels.  After punching through from two different holes and finding those also flooded we decided to move on.  I believe at this point we found out who those foot prints belonged to.  A large swamp troll carrying a tree for a club came over a hill.  The hunter advised us to depart quickly and quietly. 
Smart man that hunter.  I have seen one of these things tear apart everything in its way.  Men I might have called friends out here in the world died trying to take one down.  I saw deaths every day, it's part of being in the pit.  Kill or be killed.  Those deaths from fighting a troll were senseless.  It was the jailors way of culling the prison population.  Whenever they felt there were too many of us, a troll was brought in for one of the fights.  They normally picked the wounded and weak, easy kills for the troll.  I had to fight a few in my time, not the most enjoyable fights. 
We attempted to withdraw over the next hill.  A great plan but it was too late.  The mule was braying like mad and the troll must have either heard or smelled it.  The troll began heading in our direction.  There was only two choices then.  Either try to out run it (I have never seen this done) or attack.  We chose attack and began running towards it.  I did not like our chances.  That tree it carried could crush us in one blow.  The thing could probably bite one of us in half, could probably eat the dwarf whole.  As I charged the anger of watching good men die needlessly to one of these trolls mounted.  With a frenzied roar, I used the dwarf to lauch myself into the air.  An arrow went wide, missing the troll.  Either the hunter or elf had joined the fight.  In one swing of my might ax, I avenged my comrades.  In one swing of the ax, I cut the thing in half. 
So we decided to dig second and third holes at this point before cleaning up and heading out.  While they were digging, I took the two halves of the troll's skull, cleaned them up and added them to my armor as shoulder protection....What a day this will be to recall over a pint of the Empire's finest ale!" 

Resting in the foothills that night our group tended to their wounds, finding some comfort in their healing droughts that the village healer gave to them before moving on to the final dig site on the map...

Again our now battle tired adventurers tell their tales in their own words....

From the Journal of Norgrond the Rat Catcher:
As we traveled to the fourth x we came across another caravan that looked awkward as the soldiers weren’t dressed correctly and the prisoners looked like they should be soldiers. We followed them for a while until they turned different way from the prison. Our pit fighter got interested and decided to pursue, I followed him as I had nothing to lose. After talking with him we found out he was holding imperial soldiers for ransom, and he invited us to some inn in Midenheim. From there we set back off to the fourth x and with that we ended the night.

From the Journal of Odric the Pit-fighter:
As we traveled through the hills towards our next mine we ran into another convoy heading to the prison.  Hugo noticed that something was not right with the group.  He was proven correct when an escaping prisoner was shot by the gentleman on the cart.  He very calmly took out a long gun, aimed it at the running prisoner and dropped him in one shot.  Hugo went to take a look a the dead man while the rest of us shadowed the convoy.  The prisoner was clean shaven and dressed in a military uniform of the Empire.  As an ex prisoner myself, I was curious as to why a caravan of escaped prisoners was heading towards the prison.  We continued to shadow the convoy until it reached the road.  To our surprise, it turned onto the road.  The hunter too became curious at this point.  Norgrand and I continued to follow the caravan.  The hunter took to the woods on the right while the elf went to the left.  We slowly began closing the distance.  They sped up, we increased our speed to continue closing the distance.  The dwarf began falling behind.  Those stunty legs can't keep up.  I guess they really do walk like that.  I never noticed that before.  Anyway, where was I?  Oh right, the caravan.  They stopped, a gentleman on the cart took a looking glass out to see who we were.  After a short talk, the other gentleman took aim with his long gun.  I froze in place with the head of my ax on the ground.  My intention was to talk not get killed.  A couple of guards were dispatched to talk to us.  Norgrand noticed they had prison tatoos on their arms.  I had a way in.  Showing them my tatoo, I said that I had no love for the Empire and I found it interesting a caravan of ex convicts was escorting guards as prisoners.  Believeing they were out to cause some havoc for the Empire, I volenteered to join them.  The guards returned to the cart and brought back the gentleman with the long gun and a few more guards.  We discovered they were headed to the capital to ransom back the soldiers with a stop over at the inn where the villagers are.  The gentleman provided me with contact information of an innkeeper in the capital if I ever wanted to join them.  We went our seperate ways, them towards the inn, us to the next mine.  The hunter and dwarf were concerned the convicts might kill all the villagers at the inn.  I don't believe they would.  However, if they do, none of them are safe.  I will hunt them all down and dispose of them starting with the gentlemen on the cart.  I don't care how many guns you have, an ax blow to the head will ruin you day.  Just ask the troll.

So what will await our group on their road to the final dig location and what will be in store at the wizards tower?  may the Blessings of Shallya and Sigmar be with our band of adventurers...
Tune in next time for more of "New Beginnings and Broken Accords"
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A great night by all who joined in...... while the quest failed everyone had fun...

« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 12:01:25 PM by StrategicCommand »
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