Ok, here are the rules. To join the club there is one and only one requirement. You must have FINISHED last in a Battleground Venue Tournament (this includes outside groups like "Feast of Blades" etc,.). If you drop from the tournament you are not qualified, you need to be there to feel the burn of the boots. That being said I have gone back two years on the BB to find the people who are initially qualified to become charter members. They are listed below (people who qualify more than once have there first loss listed only). Also I may not have found every tournament so if I'm missing one, let me know, and I apologize if I misspelled anyone's name.
Feast of Blades (8/4/12)---------------"Mike" MM3791 (not sure who this is)
Singles Tournament (6/16/12)---------Ron McKim
Doubles Tournament (5/26/12)--------Tom ?
Singles Tournament (3/24/12)---------Colin Lenfest
Trios Tournament (2/25/12)------------Nate Mello
Trios Tournament (2/25/12)------------Tyler Murray
Trios Tournament (2/25/12)------------Dave Drouin
Singles Tournament (1/7/12)-----------Patrick Mulvey
Doubles Tournament(12/3/11)----------Mike Williams
Doubles Tournament (12/3/11)---------Ryan Sharp
Trios Tournament (8/6/11)--------------Marcel Franjieh
Trios Tournament (8/6/11)--------------Adam Tirrell
Trios Tournament (8/6/11)--------------Brandon Richardi
Singles Tournament (7/23/11)----------Jeffrey Sweeney
Singles Tournament (2/19/11)----------Corey Griffis
Doubles Tournament (1/8/11)----------Alan Knowles
Doubles Tournament )1/8/11)----------Mike Knowles