A bag of Citadel modelling green flock, still sealed but from 1994, making it older than some of the Thursday 40k players.
More 40k
18 Storm Boyz rockets (metal)
1 Deff Dread (metal)
2 Killa Kan bodies & legs (metal)
2 kombi-scorchas (metal)
1 twin-linked shoota (metal)
A box of plastic bits, mostly Ork infantry... Arms, torsos, heads all there, but apparently no legs. Sometimes it's best not to ask questions.
I'm also putting together a bunch of bits I'm calling "Only an Ork Player Could Love"
5 older-model Termagaunts (plastic)
2 Termagaunts (metal)
Lots and lots of 25mm-ish small plastic flying bases with sticks/stands