I'd love if that happens, but I'm worried these changes will have the opposite effect. But worried doesn't equal convinced; call me...cautiously pessimistic.
One way this could play out is that with more possible armies (more FOC options, allies, etcetera), there are more competitive lists and people take lists from this expanded list of competitive lists.
Another way it could play out is that the 'tip' of the competitive curve actually shrinks, as the more options allow for a few, and only a few, 'broken' lists. Shortly, everyone has either a version of these lists, or lists specifically built to counter them.
My prediction, which is no doubt woefully inaccurate, is that 'soft' GTs, such as Mechanicon (which I love!), will see a wider variety of lists, while 'hard' GTs, such as Battle for Salvation (also love!) are going to be 50 copies of Air Force lists (or Nob Bikers, or whatever shakes out as 'good').
Which, on reflection, isn't all that different than 5th.