I strongly feel that the models people have or do not have should not influence how tournaments are run.
Sure doubling the Force Org in bigger games is in some (many) respects is a stab in the direction of selling more models, but to not allow for it for due to this seems silly.
To claim "shenanigans" as an argument too, I think. Here's a post from Dakka:
Now think about this boys and girls. 18 War Walkers, 18 KillaKans, 40 missile launcher longfangs, 4 Squads of thunderwolf calvary with wolf lords, 4 seer councils with a total of 40 bikes, 18 Broadsides. You can now bring Mephiston, sanginor, Belial, and Draigo all in the same list. You can bring 6 StormRavens. 60 Fire Dragons...Necrons can now bring like 20 armor13 vehices.....you can bring MSU armies with 12+ razorbacks...Dark Eldar can bring 20'ish venoms....IG can spam 18 Vandettas(with flier rules have fun rofl)......CSM can spam 18 Oblidorators...orks can bring like 8 battlewaggons....GK can bring 6 NDK's(I dont think this is killable with all the ap2 nerfs).....6 Landraiders..... Like my mind cant even comprehend all the stupid combinations that armies can now bring......seriously lol???
I have reason to believe that some of this isn't accurate but what I'm getting at is that plenty of armies seem like they can field "stupid" lists. If everyone can do overpowered things, what's the issue? In the end the person who plays best and has the best list for the event will end up winning. To shoot things down before anyone has any relevant experience seems silly.
An example of what the NOVA TO is scared of is: Coteaz, a basic inquisitor, 12 psybolt razorbacks, and 6 psybolt riflemen dreads - 1700 points.
If that's the "best list" I'm sure people will begin to game around it. If it PROVES to be unbeatable or not beatable enough, then some adjustments need to be made. Until then, let's see how the new ruleset works, as intended.