so in order to run my latest standard of chaos glory/ bloodthirster list idea, i sort of need a bloodthirster. that old wreck from the early nineties will never do so i ordered the FW khorne daemon prince and some DE black dragon wings to get started. i did this because a ) i have a soft spot for big, beautiful resin greater daemon models, and b ) because i have zero originality.
the whole purpose of this thread is to keep me on track to completing the project, as i'll be forced to do stuff in order to maintain updates ( and this will prevent the model from collecting dust for 18 mos like my FW kipper did).
i am also looking forward to modeling/painting feedback and suggestions as well, as i think we at BG have some of the most creative and talented hobbyists in the community, i'd love to hear your suggestions and/or ideas if you would care to share!
and so it begins...