Is it just that I have long arms? Does the part of every game where you go near the other guy's table edge represent a hardship for most people?
I play Daemons, and yes, it presents a notable issue in nearly every tournament I play.
I play daemons too, sometimes.
Soo... as Daemon players, the deployment zone makes no difference to us whatsoever, right?
Your example about flyers - flyers move 36" when they arrive from reserve, so effectively they also have no deployment zone and are just as likely to be on my side of the table as yours at any given point in time.
... which is part of my overall point... even if you initially place your models closer to you (which is only true of some units and some armies), over the course of the game, you're going to end up on the other side anyway. Maybe this is made very mildly worse by being able to deploy up and down one short table edge, but is it really that much of a deal breaker?