Author Topic: [Plainville MA] Feast of Blades Qualifier - 2000pt 40k 6th Edition Tourn - 8/4  (Read 5429 times)


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I'm kind of disappointed that everyone seems to have shot down the short edge deployment before even trying it.
You've been to a tournament at BG before, yes? The tables are put short-end to short-end. It is completely unfeasible. The deployment itself is fine, but it will not currently work at a BG tournament.

I've been to lots.  I don't understand how it would be infeasible.  Does everyone think that you need to actually be standing behind your deployment zone in order to place models on the side of the board?  Why can't the models be placed the same way we do it now when we outflank, deep strike, or walk over and assault the guys on the other side of the board?  I.e. by reaching across the table?   

Is it just that I have long arms?  Does the part of every game where you go near the other guy's table edge represent a hardship for most people?
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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Is it just that I have long arms?  Does the part of every game where you go near the other guy's table edge represent a hardship for most people?
I play Daemons, and yes, it presents a notable issue in nearly every tournament I play. I'm an average-sized human being. I have noted most Warhammer players are bigger than I.

Consider large models like Flyers as you're reaching across. Whoops, knocked over another Stormraven. Oh my, another Forest is accidentally moved by my sleeve. If I had coordination, I'd play sports.

How else do you determine LOS for those units across the table if you can't position yourself behind the models? I go over to the other side, which along the way involves being all up in multiple people's personal space. And I'm doing that for 2+ hours. Oh, it's cute for the first 3 turns and I make jokes. By Turn 5, the shine's wore off.


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Is it just that I have long arms?  Does the part of every game where you go near the other guy's table edge represent a hardship for most people?
I play Daemons, and yes, it presents a notable issue in nearly every tournament I play.

I play daemons too, sometimes.

Soo...  as Daemon players, the deployment zone makes no difference to us whatsoever, right?

Your example about flyers -  flyers move 36" when they arrive from reserve, so effectively they also have no deployment zone and are just as likely to be on my side of the table as yours at any given point in time. 

... which is part of my overall point...  even if you initially place your models closer to you (which is only true of some units and some armies), over the course of the game, you're going to end up on the other side anyway.  Maybe this is made very mildly worse by being able to deploy up and down one short table edge, but is it really that much of a deal breaker? 

« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 11:09:36 PM by andalucien »
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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Heck, I'm a largish human being (without too huge a gut to get in the way), I can't exactly comfortably reach the other side of the table. 

Captain Bryan!

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how come people cant use less than 1975 points? is there a benefit to bringing less? O_o


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OK, how about the Nova Open's approach to short table edge deployment (you can't put models within 12" of the opposite edge)?  Good compromise?
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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Is this official?  I thought they were still discussing it?

Anyway, I dunno.  I guess it solves the problem, but if players didn't want to put units in that last 12", they didn't have to.  Is this one of those "by limiting choice, we are freeing them" sorta things?


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It's official in the sense that Nova sent out the packet to everyone, but not final.
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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OK, how about the Nova Open's approach to short table edge deployment (you can't put models within 12" of the opposite edge)?  Good compromise?

it seems like a good compromise to me (of course im a tall bastard with long arms) we should get some people together and try it out at a thursday 40k where 3 people side to side are running this modified deployment

they also seem to have reached a reasonable compromise with fortifications

 You may not select a Skyshield Landing Platform
 You may  not select a Fortress of Redemption
 You may not place any Fortifications on top of pre-placed NOVA Open Tournament Terrain

i guess you can just put it whereever there is room

as far as warlord traits seems they want you to have something good

Warlord Traits:
 First, nominate 2 of the 3 Warlord Traits tables
 Second, roll 1d6 for each of the 2 nominated tables
 Finally, select one of your two results to be your Warlord Trait for the game
 You may NOT roll twice on the same table
 This ruling is for the purposes of this Primer
 If you roll the Warlord Personal trait that awards 1 additional “Victory Point” for every Character
your Warlord kills, change this to instead award 50 Points toward your Competitive Rating and
Tiebreaker for every Character your Warlord kills


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Yeah, sounds surprisingly sensible for the most part.

Except, they should be using 2 FOC.  :)


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So this turni is basically 5th ed with fliers and allies?
Why fudge with the rules?
If your gonna do a 6th ed turni then  do it. Dont hack up the rules in a misguided attempt to make it seem more fair.


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So this turni is basically 5th ed with fliers and allies?
Why fudge with the rules?
If your gonna do a 6th ed turni then  do it. Dont hack up the rules in a misguided attempt to make it seem more fair.

The only thing they are not doing is double FOC (which they shouldn't for a 1999 event as it would be against the rules).   And limiting some of the Fortifications.

Mysterious terrain is silly and bad,   completely random Warlord traits is silly and bad.

How is it 5th exactly?

Dan Bunker

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Part of the scenarios packet is the painting scoring. Does this count towards an overall winner or is this a seperate part?


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That was a great question, Dan.  I'm glad you asked because I did not know the answer before checking the FAQ just now.

The scores will be weighted like this:

Battle Points - 70%, Painting - 20%, Sportsmanship - 10%
"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it."
- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel


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Under Battle Point Modifiers, I just noticed that one gets 5 points for the game finishing on Turn 5. What if you lose the game? What if you finish earlier (in the case of a tabling) or later (due to Random game length)? I seriously cannot tell their intention here.