Author Topic: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions  (Read 49771 times)


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #180 on: July 13, 2012, 02:34:22 PM »
Yes, Sir_Prometheus, of those 2 scenarios, I would say mine sounds a lot more absurd...
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #181 on: July 13, 2012, 02:51:57 PM »
@ Matt.   If the HT is by himeself... he only has 4 wounds... shouldn't be too hard to deal with.  If he is with guard, you can wail on them.   Not much of a change.

Sigh.  I had a feeling, if I used a tyrant example, you would use as an opportunity to dry for your tyranids.  But I didn't want to mention a Dread Knight, as, y'know, it "isn't all about GK".

Anyway, I would like a ruling one way or the other from Sam, as it will matter, a lot.  RAW it seems wounds can overflow, but I do seriously doubt that was their intention. 


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #182 on: July 13, 2012, 03:02:41 PM »
Same thing for a dreadknight.  I really don't see CC focused MCs being good at CC being an issue....   You can still hurt them, and kill them with shooting, and TH/SS termies are still a pretty good answer.

All the flying or jump pack MCs are max of 4 wounds.  Not to mention units can now just tag them with grenades.

I don't know about the ruling, but I don't see it being a balance problem either way.


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #183 on: July 13, 2012, 03:11:20 PM »
Great, Mephiston, or Celestine, then.  Who frankly DO need nerfing.


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #184 on: July 13, 2012, 03:28:06 PM »
It was always bad that Mephiston, the Swarmlord, Whoever, could not swing at the actual guy in the unit who could hurt him.

Did it ever make sense to you?   

Mephiston flies into battle with a tactical squad of Ultramarines, taking down four of them before they can do anything and 5 more counterattack to no avail as they cannot seem to hurt him.  Out of the corner of his eye. Mephiston sees some movement and spins around,  but its too late!  The one guy with a giant fist punches him square in the jaw.   

Rocked by this, Mephiston turns around and takes out more regular guys who can't hurt him.  Then gets punched in the face again!


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #185 on: July 14, 2012, 10:14:46 AM »
It was always bad that Mephiston, the Swarmlord, Whoever, could not swing at the actual guy in the unit who could hurt him.

Did it ever make sense to you?   

A lot of 40K doesn't make sense.  In the old days, a transport could come charging across the field, the guys could crawl out the door, walk up to the guy with the lascannon, and punch him in the face before he gets a chance to pull the trigger.

There have been some token attempts at common sense this time around.  Most versions, guys with swords seem to have an edge over guys with guns.  The ranges, speeds and relative strengths of swords and guns are usually balanced such that shooting armies and bashing armies are fairly evenly balanced, with perhaps something of an edge to sword armies as it's more fun to mix it up face to face.  This time around, we're seeing dominant shooting armies, at least in these early days.  Visiting Plainville last Thursday I saw an Orc army with nothing but shooters, and a Bug army with lots of gun gaunts, no claw gaunts.

But is it fun to go with common sense, that in the real world sword were made obsolete by guns?  Or is it more fun to have the game rigged that both swords and guns have a significant place in the game?

Yes, when a high toughness character meets a squad where only one person can hurt him, it makes sense to take out that character first.  I vaguely recall a version of the rules way back when when one could do that.  People would put lots of points into high toughness monstrosities as they could only be taken out by other high toughness monstrosities.  If the oversized demon prince was within 6 inches of a squad, you had to shoot the squad, you couldn't shoot the monster.  I think the phrase was Herohammer.  Those were days when there was lots of talk of "cheese," when it was clearly optimal to tool out a few potent models, where the armies they commanded had a lesser role.  This was when the 'comp' system was invented, when the competitive Americans needed a band aid to keep down the points spent on HQs while the less competitive British thought they were just having fun.

Well....  Some things don't change.

Giving squads a chance by not allowing the monstrosities pick out the guy with the cool weapon might not be realistic, but is Mephiston realistic?  The feel of the game changes significantly if the guy with the power fist dies trivially.  Been there.  Done that.  Didn't work so well.


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #186 on: July 14, 2012, 11:49:28 AM »
I can see pros and cons to both methods.  However, it seems like it offers a lot more tactically interesting and fun if cheap sarges can indeed sacrifice themselves to tie up a combat monster for a turn. 

As a consolation Keith, that might often be a good thing....sarge ties you up 1 turn, and then you break 'em in their turn. 


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #187 on: July 14, 2012, 06:42:02 PM »
Not sure if this has come up yet, but......
In a Necron army, if you take a court, that is a group of Crypteks and Lords without assigning them as squad leaders, do they have to stay with the Overlord.  For example, if you have one Overlord in a command barge, and two squads of warriors and a court of 5 Crypteks and 5 Lords, If you elect to keep the court on its own, must the overlord accompany them or can the lord go in the Barge and leave the court to fight as their own group?  I think they should be able to, but I just wanted to make sure.
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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #188 on: July 15, 2012, 04:35:36 AM »
Not sure if this has come up yet, but......
In a Necron army, if you take a court, that is a group of Crypteks and Lords without assigning them as squad leaders, do they have to stay with the Overlord.  For example, if you have one Overlord in a command barge, and two squads of warriors and a court of 5 Crypteks and 5 Lords, If you elect to keep the court on its own, must the overlord accompany them or can the lord go in the Barge and leave the court to fight as their own group?  I think they should be able to, but I just wanted to make sure.

I believe any court members you do not assign to units pre-deployment become their own court unit.


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #189 on: July 15, 2012, 04:42:10 AM »
"In a challenge, do wounds in excess of the number required to kill the challenger/challengee carry over into the rest of the squad?" The rules state that the two characters in a challenge can only be struck by each other, but does not limit wound allocation in any other way. By the current rules, excess wounds will go into the squad.

So while I (and of course, everyone else will abide by Sam's ruling), I just want to point out a specific thing about this in a rebuttal;

Per the book, the models in the challenge are "considered" (as phrased in the book) to be in Base to Base; ie per wound allocation, the wounds have to go closest so start in Base to Base.  The line under Slain Combatants say "blah blah if slain, you are "considered" to be still in the challenge till the end of phase.  ie, if you are "considered to still be in the challenge, you are "considered" to be in base to base with the (now) dead even if he has 0 wounds, per allocation, they still go to him.  Call it stupid, dumb for having to Teabag a Corpse, but if you are considered to still be in the challenge, and in a challenge you are still considered to be in base to base, then that's the way it goes.

I only point out that both rules for position within the challenge and the rule for slain combatant use the exact same wording.  Because as is, if wounds carry over?  Then I see absolutely no point to EVER accept a challenge, since you're going to mop into my squad anyway, so why would I want to blindly sacrifice a model?


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #190 on: July 15, 2012, 04:58:27 AM »
A solid rebuttal.  I'm interested to see where this goes.
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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #191 on: July 15, 2012, 11:57:19 AM »
I don't think it's clear from the rules as written that "The challenge lasts until the end of the turn" is intended to override the more universal (and taken for granted) rule that if a model dies, you are no longer in base-to-base with it (it's removed from the table).  If this override WAS supposed to happen, it would be explicitly stated that wounds are still allocated to the dead model even though it has been removed. 

I don't think that what actually happens is clearly described in the rulebook.  For clear RAW we'll need to wait for a FAQ. 
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #192 on: July 15, 2012, 02:09:42 PM »
I don't think it's clear from the rules as written that "The challenge lasts until the end of the turn" is intended to override the more universal (and taken for granted) rule that if a model dies, you are no longer in base-to-base with it (it's removed from the table).  If this override WAS supposed to happen, it would be explicitly stated that wounds are still allocated to the dead model even though it has been removed. 

I don't think that what actually happens is clearly described in the rulebook.  For clear RAW we'll need to wait for a FAQ.

RAW completely overrides a universal/taken for granted rule, because in a permissive ruleset, it *explicitly* states what happens in a given scenario.  IE Codex overrides Rulebook, FAQ/Errata overrides Codex and so on.  Below, I will outline;

Then by this logic, you throw a Bloodthirster at my unit of 10 Marines.  You challenge, I accept.  You kill my Sarge with a Fist and say 5 guys.  I have just lost my Fist, and 5 guys.  Same scenario.  You challenge, I refuse.  Sarge goes to the back, you kill 6 guys.  I break, run, you don't catch me, I auto-regroup and still have my power fist.  What happens if I have a sergeant, my Librarian, and 4 marines?  The whole point of challenging is that you throw one model so that the rest of the unit is unaffected; otherwise by your logic, I challenge and the the Thirster wipes out my entire unit, including the HQ I was trying to protect.

Why would I ever accept a challenge with anyone knowing that no matter what, my squad is going to take wounds?  It completely invalidates the whole idea of challenging, then.

Now, let's here's my reasoning;

a) The rules under "Fighting in a Challenge" are very specific in what happens once you accept a challenge in regards to positioning.  You have to get into Base to Base (disregarding any difficult or dangerous terrain) with each other, even if 1) it means swapping a rank and file guy for the challenger, 2) swapping a rank and file guy for the challengee, 3) baring that, assuming that the two are in base to base for the purposes of the ensuing fight.
b) For the duration (one round, two rounds, the entire game) of the challenge, these two models are considered to be in base to base contact *only* with each other. - This is direct from the book.  Note the use of the word "are" and "only".  These words specifically dictate the positioning of the challengers relative to the rest of the unit.
c) When one combatant in a challenge is slain, regardless of which Initiative step it is, the challenge is still considered to be ongoing until the end of a phase.

EXAMPLE:  A techmarine has both a power weapon (I4), and then at Initiative 1 gets his Servo-Arm attack,  Sam has previously stated that the techmarine normally would get a pile in move at I4 (his base), and then again at I1.  I challenge your sergeant and at I4, I kill him.  So, now, (by your logic), since he is no longer there, I can then make a Pile-In move at I1 and Servo-Attack your unit.

Except I can't, because I am "considered" to be in base contact until the end of the Phase, and I cannot make a pile-in move, since I am "considered" to be in base contact already.

So I think that this is pretty specific in regards to positioning of a model within a challenge.  If you accept a challenge, you are in base contact *no matter where you are in the unit*.  For the duration of the combat (IE multiple rounds), you are in base *only* with each other.  And if you kill one, you are *still* in the challenge for the rest of the phase, which then means the duration is extended to the end of the phase, and you are *still* only in base with each other.  The dead model may be removed from table, but you are still considered to be in the challenge, and all the positioning rules apply. 

0 wounds, taken off table, removed from game, removed as casualty, thrown against the wall, put into a food processor, whatever you want to call it; as RAW, I am still considered to be in base contact for the duration of the challenge with a combatant in a challenge and no matter how much I want to overflow wounds, by virtue of allocation, by virtue of the pile-in rule I can do neither, so I sit on my ass and wait.

This is RAW.

Now, let's look at the units themselves;

a) I will cede that RAW, it doesn't not *explicitly* say that wounds do not overflow.  But, it also does not *explicitly* say they do.  Permissive Ruleset then applies.
b) wounds from other models cannot be allocated against the challengers - resolve the wound allocation step "as if the two characters were not there".
c) You cannot allocate wounds with Look Out Sir.
d) The Moral Support rule - by your logic, if wounds overflow, then legally, it's not a challenge because "the bystanders can be affected", which negates the "assume that such bystanders are cheering their leader on" and "...your character receives on re-roll for every five models forced to watch in this manner"

This then, with the bystanders not being allowed to be affected per the Moral Support rule, the "assume the two characters were not there for the Unit's wound allocation step" and the inability to take a Look Out Sir test leads to the fact that It is a complete and separate combat from the challenge for the purposes of positioning

Move on to Assault results; "Unsaved wounds caused by a challenge count towards the assault result, alongside any unsaved wounds caused by the rest of the characters units" - That's a clear differentiation.

It just doesn't happen.  You cannot overflow models from a challenge, based upon the rules for positioning within a challenge, the rules for what happens if a model is slain, the rules for Moral Support, and the rules for Pile-In.  By the logic presented above, you would be breaking 4 already established rules in order to overflow wounds, and that cannot happen.


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #193 on: July 15, 2012, 02:56:49 PM »
My problem is, nothing that you described here alters the normal overflow process.  You're right, he continues to be in BtB, and that prevents a pile in move.  But wounds still continue to be allocated to the next clsoest model.

It's not what I think they intended.  It's not what I want.  But it is what I think it currently says. 


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Re: Warhammer 40k 6th Edition Rules Questions
« Reply #194 on: July 15, 2012, 03:35:36 PM »
My problem is, nothing that you described here alters the normal overflow process.  You're right, he continues to be in BtB, and that prevents a pile in move.  But wounds still continue to be allocated to the next clsoest model.

It's not what I think they intended.  It's not what I want.  But it is what I think it currently says.

Continues to be in Base To Base.  Wounds allocate to closest (which is base to base).  You are *only* in base to base with the challenger.  Not "I am considered to be in base to base with the challenger and models in his unit", the rules specifically state "You are considered to be in base contact with only each other"

Ergo, all your wounds per allocation rules have to allocate to him, as he is the closest model, by the virtue of being the *only* model in base to base, which I hope I have proven above, lasts the entire challenge.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 03:39:40 PM by Typhus »