Yes, Teleporters make Dread Knights specifically "Jump MCs" as in "No fly for you......!"
I'm disappointed in it, as it would finally DKs worthwhile, but it does make a certain amount of sense, since they're NOT flying, they're kinda doing a Bleach style "flashstep".
On the other hand, it leaves this funny thing.......GKs use Dread knights specifically to fight Demon MCs like bloodthirsters (that's why they have the Dark Excommunication power).........almost all of whom have wings. Which means they can just stay stay flying and play a game of "You can't touch me!" How thematic is that?
Seperately, looking through the bestiary, and FAQs, there are precisely two (2!) Skyfire weapons in the current lineup. Hydras (which are kinda useless for anything else) and Flak missiles (which appear to be avaialbe to standard SM missile launchers, not much else, going by the bestiary in back)
And flyers, btw are ridiculous. Very hard for some armies to shoot down (really the more shots the easier, so Elite armies have a hard time while Orks, surprisingly, have a pretty easy time of it). It's all a very transparent ploy to force you into buying fliers and fortifications. I played my first game of 6th against Will's DE, and disagree strognly with Bill that they are hard to use due to overshooting. Moving 18" a turn, starting from the right point, it was fairly trivial for him to get 3 turns of shooting at what he wanted. And even though I had a Bastion with the lascannon, that just wasn't enough.
I'm sure there will be adaptions to this ( I should have brought my SR up his tail, but didn't want to for other tactical considerations, it being a transport I wanted to deliver troops) but overall, flyers are overwhelming, and fortifications are the maing counter to this.
Personally, I'd be ok with disallowing flying and fortifications (I'd still want to use my SR as a fast skimmer transport, please) but then we wouldn't really be playing 6th anymore. If you allow one, you have to allow the other.