Author Topic: Allies Chart  (Read 5889 times)


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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2012, 05:18:09 PM »
I just hope in tournies I will be seeing the same allied lists over and over, not that GW ever has real tournies any more.  :'( I just dont want to see using other codecies as a crutch. Yeah ok I can see some armies working together but I wish there was a penalty in place for using other codecies.

I have no doubt there will be "power combos" some more overpowered then others, but it will still come down to skill.

we saw that in the last tournament when 3 players from the most broken codex ever finished in the top half!


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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2012, 05:21:06 PM »
I just hope in tournies I will be seeing the same allied lists over and over, not that GW ever has real tournies any more.  :'( I just dont want to see using other codecies as a crutch. Yeah ok I can see some armies working together but I wish there was a penalty in place for using other codecies.
It's been brought up as what I feel is a very valid concern. If tournaments allow Allies, and Allies allow for cherry-picking the best units, then tournament lists should start looking very similar.

But we'll see. Only a week left until the end of the Warhammer as we know it.


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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2012, 05:33:27 PM »
Here's my concern about allies.  I worry that we will start to see certain "ally packages" which are repeated over and over across competive armies from all codexes.  Something like, Eldrad + a minimal unit of guardian jetbikes, to be used to completly shut down the opponent's psychic powers, and people realize this is a good package to have and suddenly you see 20 copies of Eldrad at a tournament.  Or, a cheap guard HQ and troop squad and then a squadron of 3 vendettas (which might be able to come on the table 36" and shoot all 3 lascannons according to some rumors) being included in everyone's army that can afford it.  That's the nightmare scenario. 

BTW, the thing about Sisters, IMHO, is that they are misunderstood to be a bad codex.  I guess it's a bad codex except for Celestine, Jacobus, Inquisitorial Henchmen, Retributors, Exorcists, Seraphim, Dominions,  rhinos (better than anyone else's, 35 pts with a free 6+ invul save), and Repentia (OK that last one is debatable but I think they're pretty slick).  Basically it's a codex with no choice but to take unexciting (though not terrible) troops, and then everything else in the army is quite good.
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.

Grand Master Steve

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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2012, 06:05:57 PM »
Here's my concern about allies.  I worry that we will start to see certain "ally packages" which are repeated over and over across competive armies from all codexes.  Something like, Eldrad + a minimal unit of guardian jetbikes, to be used to completly shut down the opponent's psychic powers, and people realize this is a good package to have and suddenly you see 20 copies of Eldrad at a tournament.  Or, a cheap guard HQ and troop squad and then a squadron of 3 vendettas (which might be able to come on the table 36" and shoot all 3 lascannons according to some rumors) being included in everyone's army that can afford it.  That's the nightmare scenario. 

This is exactly what I fear as well. 40k may as well turn into Magic the Gathering where every one makes a carbon copy of winning decks off the internet if this is allowed to happen.


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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2012, 06:15:33 PM »
Here's my concern about allies.  I worry that we will start to see certain "ally packages" which are repeated over and over across competive armies from all codexes.  Something like, Eldrad + a minimal unit of guardian jetbikes, to be used to completly shut down the opponent's psychic powers, and people realize this is a good package to have and suddenly you see 20 copies of Eldrad at a tournament.  Or, a cheap guard HQ and troop squad and then a squadron of 3 vendettas (which might be able to come on the table 36" and shoot all 3 lascannons according to some rumors) being included in everyone's army that can afford it.  That's the nightmare scenario. 

BTW, the thing about Sisters, IMHO, is that they are misunderstood to be a bad codex.  I guess it's a bad codex except for Celestine, Jacobus, Inquisitorial Henchmen, Retributors, Exorcists, Seraphim, Dominions,  rhinos (better than anyone else's, 35 pts with a free 6+ invul save), and Repentia (OK that last one is debatable but I think they're pretty slick).  Basically it's a codex with no choice but to take unexciting (though not terrible) troops, and then everything else in the army is quite good.

How is that different then the cookie cutter lists we see now? Has anybody gotten sick of mech vets/long fangs/crisis suits/obliterator spam yet? I doubt any ally combo will be more powerful then a regular grey knights list right now lol.

The rules change every edition, and every edition the players must adapt. Also every edition there is a population of people that claim the sky is falling. Fact is the new allies rule is going to be a massive sales boost for GW and going to encourge more players to sample more amries without having to invest in a whole new army. For this reason alone, I doubt allies will be excluded from tournements.

Grand Master Steve

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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2012, 06:21:21 PM »
I wont lie even though im against the idea I have ALWAYS wanted to play and paint Eldar or tau. But I dont want to buy a new army. This gives me an excuse to do so which is what Gw is aiming for. I can now buy Farsight, assuming in the next tau book he  is still alive, and a bunch of Crisis suits, and a handful of fire warriors and paint their armor as if its been beat to hell because the Farsight enclave is like a Gurilla warfare tau list that has to survive with with they have.

Also Eldar, I just wana paint space elves and have a small force for my GF to be able to use hehe.


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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2012, 06:22:18 PM »
How is that different then the cookie cutter lists we see now? Has anybody gotten sick of mech vets/long fangs/crisis suits/obliterator spam yet? I doubt any ally combo will be more powerful then a regular grey knights list right now lol.

It's different in a matter of degree because the spammed units can potentially become much more pervasive.   People consider Grey Knights to be a real problem when they represent 25% of the total armies in a tournament like Adepticon.  But you could easily have HALF or more of the armies at a tournament including some hypothetical "broken ally package".   
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2012, 06:26:53 PM »
It will be very interesting to see / hear about the results of NOVA this summer.
"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it."
- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

Grand Master Steve

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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2012, 06:29:34 PM »
How is that different then the cookie cutter lists we see now? Has anybody gotten sick of mech vets/long fangs/crisis suits/obliterator spam yet? I doubt any ally combo will be more powerful then a regular grey knights list right now lol.

It's different in a matter of degree because the spammed units can potentially become much more pervasive.   People consider Grey Knights to be a real problem when they represent 25% of the total armies in a tournament like Adepticon.  But you could easily have HALF or more of the armies at a tournament including some hypothetical "broken ally package".

I agree with this. I would just take allies for fluff reasons and thats it. when I do take allies they will not be cookie cutter thats for sure. They will be there to represent allied armies during famous wars or battles not to get stupid with the ability to do it. For example my Ultramarines are based off the books by Grham McNeil, they are all green trimmed shoulder pads and 4th company. For the longest time I refused to take termies or sterngaurd cause in the books the army did not get them until the final chapter of the last book and it was an epic read. I just want to represent on the table what I have read about preferably armies that have a long lasting alliance so I can write about the battles they ally in.


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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2012, 06:32:52 PM »
It will be very interesting to see / hear about the results of NOVA this summer.
Pretty much this. Over a thousand games in a weekend with the best players in the country should tell which direction we can expect over the next year.

Grand Master Steve

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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2012, 08:14:06 PM »
after carefully looking at the allies chart the only things that dont make sence are that Necrons seem to unholly ally with almost any one, same with Dark Eldar, they shouldnt be allies with any one period. Dark eldar in the apoyc book do not even trust other dark eldar. Tyrinids wont ally with any one but themselves lol.


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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2012, 08:59:30 PM »
OK here's a first stab at a "broken combo":

As a Dark Eldar army who REALLY wants to go first, let's say I include Vect, and then ally in Coteaz (plus a 15 point unit of deckchair acolytes, or more if I feel like it).  Now I've got an 87% chance of going first.  4+ re-rollable to steal the initiative.
Name:  Matthew Forsyth
Club:  Errybody in the gettin tips
Where I play: basically I only show up for tourneys or when I'm on my way up to New Hampshire to visit my folks.  I live about 45 mins from both stores, to the south.


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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2012, 09:05:12 PM »
OK here's a first stab at a "broken combo":

As a Dark Eldar army who REALLY wants to go first, let's say I include Vect, and then ally in Coteaz (plus a 15 point unit of deckchair acolytes, or more if I feel like it).  Now I've got an 87% chance of going first.  4+ re-rollable to steal the initiative.

isnt there a rumor they changed it though so now you spend points to see who goes first and such?

also it should be interesting how much tech can be shared (if any) or if they are going to FAQ the HELL out of everything

Grand Master Steve

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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2012, 09:08:05 PM »
I dont want to see combos. even though Dark Eldar allying with a Grey Knight unit is an unholy alliance which again I bring up there needs to be some sort of control or penalty for an allience of armies that would only ally under the direst of circumstances and kill eachother after the fight.


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Re: Allies Chart
« Reply #29 on: June 24, 2012, 09:11:13 PM »
I dont want to see combos. even though Dark Eldar allying with a Grey Knight unit is an unholy alliance which again I bring up there needs to be some sort of control or penalty for an allience of armies that would only ally under the direst of circumstances and kill eachother after the fight.

well according to that pdf the "best buddys" gets perks, the "grudging allies" is nothing and the "unholy alliance" you have to roll for every unit and everyone that rolls a one gets shaken or something

now granted that may be special for that tournament and not reflect standard 6e rules but i guess we will find out saturday