No, no one throws out DMCA notices like candy, because improperly sent out, dealing with them becomes legally actionable as well. Basically a DMCA is notice from a copyright holder they think their rights are being infringed upon... it comes from the copyright holder, and has no force of law. It serves as notice, telling BG (for example) to look at something or other the holder thinks is infringement. As an internet forum, BTG looks at the specific post in question, laughs and tears it up, because talking about piracy, it's relative morality, it's legality, internet flame wars and Keith's little sister (sorry man, you brought her up
) is not a GW copyright, or I have been playing these games wrong for YEARS. If GW sends another one, BG gets a nice countersuit payday for dealing with that nonsense.
You are so sure of yourself... can you name an instance of this occurring (EDIT: of a local game store forum being browbeaten by GW or anyone else)? I do have a passing interest in the law, so I am all ears... as to Chapterhouse... you do realize they are a rival miniatures company, right? That made what courts have yet to determine are GW knock off minis? And that case is even still ongoing, so hardly an example of DMCA jack-boot thuggery...