I bet I could build 6+ awesome tables with what's in Abington right now.
But yeah, 40k Doubles was last weekend and Singles is 2 weeks away. Derek took a ton of stuff to Abington for the WM/H Doubles and brought most of it back for Plainvilles 40k events.
Did you look / ask around, Steve? He brought at least 3 awesome tables + terrain back with him last Saturday.
I can't overstate this enough... The terrain distribution disparity between the two stores is a MYTH. In direct contradiction to popular belief over in Abington, the fact is the location typically has ALL of the latest / best tables and terrain generated by the business outside of tournament days or periods like this when we've got 2 large events 3 weeks apart. What Plainville does have is the latest and best terrain from 1.5-2 years ago, when the store opened, plus the awesome terrain Mike Salzman (a member of the Plainville community) has made over the past year or so.
Right this second, and for the next two weeks, Plainville does have a ton of stuff.
Why? Because it's a total pain in the ass to have to move 10 tables and all their terrain back and forth every 3ish weeks.
Megabattle time is coming, which means new tables and terrain are coming, which means Abington will get a bunch of new stuff (again) soon. The students are also out of school for summer break. Rally the troops and crank out some terrain? Want a kit, a brush, some glue, and some paint to make something for the store? Email me and I'll make sure it's done.