Author Topic: Selling Orc's and Goblins for Store Credit  (Read 980 times)


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Selling Orc's and Goblins for Store Credit
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:35:59 AM »
I'm part way through the process of converting my orc's into ork's (40k)

There's just some units I'm not going to need or translate well. Mostly I have old school boar boyz savage and regular, night goblin's (30+), goblin wolf rider's, spider riders, a chariot orc and goblin.

Most are painted.

If anyone's interested please PM me and I can give you the particular's.

*Obviously for Store Credit only!!
"I'm going to sacrifice my pyramid turtles"
-Anonymous card player who makes me wonder if I sound like this talking about 40k!

Moss:"What operating system is it running?"
Bomb Technician:"Vista!"
Moss:"Where all going to die!"