Author Topic: WFB tournament March 31  (Read 2956 times)


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« on: February 26, 2012, 05:41:05 PM »
Hey guys, on cape cod is hosting a warhammer tournament on march 31st and we would love to see some of you guys make it. We have room for 12 people, so if you plan on coming please email me at It will be for 2400 pts and the restrictions will be 3rd edition etc. We probably have 4-5 slots filled already. Armies MUST be painted to a 3 color minimum. Entry fee $15, which will help with prize support. The more people we can get to play, the better the prizes will be!

Drop me a message if you can come. We love seeing new faces.



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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2012, 10:21:34 PM »
anyone have a link to 3rd ed etc rules? or is it the most current etc rules draft?


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2012, 11:22:22 PM »
should be the most current, which to the best of my knowledge is this:

Rules changes:
- Characters will get "look out sir" versus the following spells that automatically kill models or automatically remove an entire regiment: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Dreaded 13th, Infernal Gateway 11-12 effect. Normal requirements for lookout sir apply.

I. General Restrictions:

2400 Points.
No Special or Named Characters.
Army used can be any of the currently published GW Army books. Forge World based army lists & units may not be used on the event
A maximum of 3 identical core choices may be taken (regardless of equipment and other upgrades)
An army may have up to 5 war machines and template weapons. Warmachines that use a template count as a single choice in this regard. All template weapons (from magic items, abilities, etc.) count, except for spells.
Max. 45 models with missile weapons with a range of 20”+ (not incl. war machines, characters and chariots).

Unit sizes are limited as follows:
Units cannot be more than 40 models nor 450 points (including all command, upgrades, magic items/banners). This restriction applies during the creation of the roster - unit size/cost may be increased during the game (for example - by joining characters to the unit). This restriction does not apply to characters.

Magic Restrictions:
- Apart from Winds of magic, an army may only generate 2 PD/DD per magic phase. Including channeled PD/DD.
- Player can use maximum 5 PD to cast spell (+ wizard level).
- An army may use up to 12 PD during each phase.
- You may have units/abilities that actually would generate more than 2 extra dice, but any excess dice are lost
- Some magic items/abilities count as generating dice toward this limit.
- “Count as” items/abilities may never exceed a cumulative 2 PD/DD per phase. This means that player who already spent his limit PD limit, cant take more items which “count as adding PD” or add PD from channeling during game (same for DD).
- All modifiers are applied from the army list and will not change during the game.

Detailed description
Apart from winds of magic, an army may only ever add 2 dice to its power or dispel pool in each magic phase (unless army restrictions specify otherwise). Any dice added to the pool, regardless of source (generated, stolen, stored from previous magic phases, generated by magic items/abilities to boost spellcasting before or after the casting attempt, produced by spells, lore abilities, and so on) count. Excess dice are simply discarded and cannot be used in any way (i.e. - they can’t be stored).

If a dice is stolen from the opponent’s pool, but your army has already generated two extra dice, the dice is removed from the opponent’s pool and then discarded.

Some special items and abilities DECREASE the limit of power or dispel dice you can add to the pool. We refer to those as “count as” items. What this means is that, if your roster includes one “counts as 1 Power Dice (PD)” item, your army can only add 1 power dice (instead of the usual 2 dice) to the pool in each of your own magic phases of the entire game (regardless of whether the item is destroyed or used up).
Please note that you cannot have a combination of items that would decrease the limit of extra power or dispel dice to below zero.

Item restrictions:
- Any item that auto-dispels a spell counts as generating 1 DD each magic phase.
- Folding Fortress is not allowed

Army Specific Restrictions:
Beastmen: Beastmen armies have an extra 200 points for their roster (2600 total), All victory points scored against this army are decreased by 10% (excluding bonus points for banners, general, etc.), Beastmen can generate 3 extra pd instead of 2
Bretonnia: No Restrictions
Dark Elves: Hydra is a 0-1 choice. Max. 35 repeater Crossbows (including characters and excluding chariots) in the army. Repeater Bolt Throwers 0-2. Flying units (inc. characters on flying steeds) in the army limited to 0-3. Shades max 20 models per army, Pendant of khaeleth cannot be taken by lord characters, player may take up to 2 of following: Pendant of khaeleth\Crown of command\any number of wizards using death & shadow magic\Cauldron of Blood\Hydra.
Dwarfs: Each spellbreaker/spelleater rune counts as +1 DD. Grudge Throwers are a 0-2 choice; May generate Max. +4 dispel dice instead of +2; 0-3 of anvil, miners & rangers (in any combination of them)
Daemons of Chaos: Max. 28 Models per unit; Flamers are a 0-1 choice. All daemonic gifts are 0-1. Bloodletters and Herald of Khorne are 0-3 total. Daemonic Battle Standard can take either daemonic icon or gifts. Siren song cannot be taken by Herald of Slaanesh. Master of sorcery cannot be taken by Herald of Tzeentch.
The Empire: Steam Tank counts as a war machine; Tank, Rocket battery and Engineers are a 0-1 choice
High Elves: High Elves armies have an extra 100 points for their roster (2500 total); High elves army can generate extra 3 powerdice instead of 2; Vortex Shard counts as +1DD; Book of Hoeth counts as 2PD and 2 DD; Banner of the World Dragon counts as +1 DD
Lizardmen: Salamanders are a 0-1 Choice;Scar-Veterans 0-2, Terradons and Stegadons (any kind) are 0-2 choices; player may take up to 2 of following: Beclaming Cogitations\ Focus of Mystery\ Focused Rumination \Higher State of Consciusness; Beclaming Cogitations counts as +2DD; Cupped hands of the Old Ones counts as +2PD; Higher State of Consciusness counts as 2 discplines (takes two slots, but cost same points); Crown of Command & Higher State of Consciousness cannot be taken on 1 model; A maximum total of 6 Skink, Chameleon skinks and Skink Cohorts units combined maybe taken in an army (Cohorts containing kroxigor or numbering above 20 models do not count for this restriction).
Ogre Kingdoms: Hellheart counts as 2dd & 1pd, greedyfist on death magic user counts as 1dd
Orcs&Goblins: Night Goblin Shamans are 0-3 (max 3 of any kind of NG shaman); mushroom dice do not count as power dice in regard to the PD limit. Maximum model cap is removed for this army
Skaven: All Skaven rare choices 0-1; Gutter runners are limited by 2 units & 20 models total; Engineers are a 0-3 choice; Can take max 2 of the following: doom rocket, brass orb, storm banner;
Vampire Counts:To be revised in the following drafts.
Tomb Kings: Tomb King armies have an extra 200 points for their roster (2600 total), All victory points scored against this army are decreased by 10% (excluding bonus points for banners, general, etc.), Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations counts as 2 PD AND 2 DD. Hierotitan is worth 1 PD so long as it's alive. Sphinxes of all kinds: 0-3 per army. Tomb Kings may generate up to 3 power dice per phase
Wood Elves: Wood Elf armies have an extra 200 points for their roster (2600 total) All victory points scored against this army are decreased by 10% (excluding bonus points for banners, general, etc.), Wood Elves can take 4 of the same core unit instead of 3, Wand of Wych Elm counts as +1 DD; Only Glade guards (including scouts) count for max of 45 models with shooting weapons
Warriors of Chaos: Hellcannon is a 0-1 choice. Infernal Puppet counts as +1 PD and +2DD; Tendrils of Tzeench and Conjoined Homunculus both counts as +1 PD.

II. Pairings.
Will be added 7th February, after voting.

III. Scoring

Victory points scored as per the rulebook, with the exceptions that:
- units that are at 25% or less of their original models yield 50% VP's to the opponent (characters, monsters and handlers, war machines and single models are unaffected).
-units that are fleeing at the end of the battle yield 50% VP's to the opponent.

In both cases, bonuses (for generals, banners, etc.) are not counted towards the 50%. Units that are both: fleeing and at/below ¼ strength still only yiled 50% VP’s.

0-20 Victory-Points per game
60-100 Battle-Points per team, except for the last round, when the lower limit is dropped.
(The losing team gets 60 points even if they score less[except in the final round] – the winning team never gets more than 100 points, even if they score more. Real Battle Points [non-limited by the 100-60 bracket] will be used in case of the Battle Points tie as tie-breaker.)

Victory points to Battle points per game:

0-150 Victory-Points difference - 10-10
151-300 - 11-9
301-450 - 12-8
451-600 - 13-7
601-750 - 14-6
751-900 – 15-5
901-1050 – 16-4
1051-1200- 17-3
1201-1350- 18-2
1500+ - 20/0

IV. Scenarios

Pitched battle scenario

V. Simple Line of Sight
All units and terrain pieces are divided into the following three categories.
- Blocking: Hills, Buildings and impassable terrain.
These block Line of Sight, even to other blocking terrain (You can't see through it).
- Non-Blocking: Rivers, marches and swarms.
Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it).
- Interfering: All other terrain and units.
Does not block Line of Sight (You can see through them/it).

- If you shoot through interfering units or terrain there is a -2 to hit penalty, only -1 for woods (never
- If shooting at a large target, units in buildings or on hills there are no to hit modifiers for interfering
or non-blocking terrain or units, unless it is an interfering wood.
- When such a unit is doing the shooting there are no to hit penalties for interfering or non-blocking
units or terrain, other than interfering woods.

YOu considering coming out for this maynard? I hope you can get a couple others as well. Honestly, the whole etc thing isnt set in stone yet, but i seem to be the one stuck with organizing the tourney. I just figured Templecon was so fun with the comp, that we would re do another. If it will deter to many people from comoing however, we can always make it no comp.


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2012, 02:16:26 PM »
would love to go, this is the same weekend as the Colonial GT.

So Jake, Josh and I will be unable to attend,  but please let us know about future events there.


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2012, 07:30:49 PM »
that is a good point, march already has several events going on. i'll see what i can do to swing down regardless though.


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2012, 11:02:34 PM »
Is this still a go? I have a couple buddies interested in going.


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2012, 11:13:51 AM »
This is in fact still a go. If you could get me a list of people who are coming and their armies i would greatly appreciate it. I will be checking army lists at the door to make sure they follow the restrictions. It would be great to see you guys come. Like I said, we have about 7 slots left. I think we have 5 people registered for this atm.


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2012, 05:13:44 PM »
ok so here's how its looking so far-

me (Rhys)- Daemons of Chaos
Dave- Ogre Kingdoms
Chris- Bretonnians

also, another thought: ETC rules are really designed for the experienced tournament player, which neither of these guys are. would you guys mind loosening up the restrictions a little bit to better accomodate the non-tournament crowd? the army restrictions and scoring is fine, i'm talking about the stuff that changes the mechanics of the game like the changes to LOS and the magic phase.

besides all the hardcore filthmongers will be at colonial that weekend anyway lol.


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2012, 11:16:44 PM »
I can run it by the guys come monday.

Im glad you guys are coming!! This is awesome.


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2012, 04:57:13 PM »
Hey josh, I was just wondering if we're using the new ETC draft that came out today or if we're sticking with this one.


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2012, 06:06:36 PM »
Hey Rhys, could you provide a link to the new etc rules?



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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2012, 01:12:51 PM »
I think people have made their armies mostly, so the only comp we will be taking from the new etc draft will be for vampire counts, just because we have planned for this one already. As far as army lists go, I will be checking them at the door, so no need to send them to me or anything.

Hey Ryhs,
I'm writing scenarios for the tournament and I can't quite remember how bonus battle points go. Is there a potential to get +4 per round, or are there negatives as well? (Ie, Have your highest cost unit die= -1 BP). I dont remember negatives, so right now i have it so there are 4 positive BP bonuses. Is this correct?


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #13 on: March 18, 2012, 01:30:08 PM »
i haven't seen negative battle modifiers in a while to be honest. i think they're unnecessary considering the sliding battle point scale regarding VP's (i.e. if you lose your most expensive unit, you're already being punished by the battle points). one of the main reasons they exist is to keep good players in the running even if they draw a bad matchup or have some extremely poor luck during a game. keep em positive i say. there's also some guys up at the game castle in nh expressing interest in attending, i did give them your email, hope thats cool.


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Re: WFB tournament March 31
« Reply #14 on: March 18, 2012, 07:58:57 PM »
absolutely cool! As it stands right now, we have approx. 4 open slots, but if some of the game on guys wanna come, I gotta give them to them first, as they expressed interest first.