Author Topic: February 25th Arena: Doubles Tournament  (Read 3006 times)


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February 25th Arena: Doubles Tournament
« on: February 10, 2012, 09:14:37 PM »
February 25th

RULES FOR THE ARENA: Doubles Tournament

Pathfinder Core Rulebook. ONLY the Pathfinder Core Rulebook can be used to create a character – NO EXCEPTIONS! Pre-generated characters will be available as options to anyone unable or not interested in creating their own character.
However, you are granted to choose from the TEAMWORK specific feats from the Advanced Players Guide and the Ultimate Combat Books.

ALL Gladiators much be Level 3.

All Gladiators MUST use the High Fantasy rules for 20 Point Buy for their Ability Scores which can be found on pages 15-16 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.

Your Gladiator may be any race in the Core Rulebook.

Participants MUST create a level 3 Barbarian, Fighter, Rogue, or Ranger.
NO MULTICLASSING will be allowed for this event.

Determine your maximum possible Hit Points for your character at first level, and then add (+6/barbarian or +5/fighter/ranger or +4/rogue) + CON Bonus for each additional level after the first.

Not allowed. This includes the purchasing of animals from the "Equipment" section like horses or dogs.


Each character begins with 200 gp with which to buy items from the Core Rule Book Equipment section.  Absolutely NO magic items.

All Gladiators will be placed around the approximately 4’ x 6’ arena at Battleground. Here is the arena for reference:
Special Event Rules:
Find a friend and show up.  Don't have a friend, no worries.  We will provide you with a friend!
Be Prepared for anything!!
The Crit Hit deck will be in effect for this event for dramatic flair.
The remaining people on the winning team receive the court rewards. (Battleground store credit)

Initiative will be determined and the battle will ensue. All gladiators are expected to immediately move toward another gladiator and begin their attack, or use a missile weapon to do so. The crowd watching the fight dislikes it when gladiators stall or stay out of the fray, and their mood can have a strong influence on the success or failure of a gladiator’s performance. Each round that a gladiator does not make an attack against another gladiator will result in an adjustment on the sliding performance scale.

1st Round without making an attack: Crowd takes notice and shouts a few jeers. Combatant takes a -1 on all attack rolls, combat maneuvers, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.

2nd Round without making an attack: Crowd begins to shout and taunt the stalling gladiator. Combatant takes a -2 on all attack rolls, combat maneuvers, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.

3rd Round without making an attack: Crowd becomes very hostile and chants relentlessly about the gladiator’s cowardice and begins to throw rotten vegetables (purchased by conveniently located vendors) at the gladiator. Combatant takes a -4 on all attack rolls, combat maneuvers, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.

4th Round without making an attack: Crowd is enraged. The emperor’s court wizards, in order to maintain order in the stands, begins to fire magic missiles at the stalling gladiator. Subsequent rounds will continue with these penalties in place.

Gladiators must work their way back up the ladder in order to remove accrued penalties.

Conversely, gladiators who show great bravado will be rewarded in similar ways.

Every time an opponent is slain in the arena, the gladiator dealing the killing blow will receive a +1 bonus on all attack rolls, combat maneuvers, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws (if a gladiator is in the negatives when he receives this bonus it brings him up one further on the scale). This bonus will remain for as long as the gladiator continues to relentlessly assault his opponents. If at any time the gladiator fails to attack an opponent in a given round the bonus will be affected as noted above.

A gladiator that delivers a critical hit also gains a +1 bonus on all attack rolls, combat maneuvers, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.

A gladiator cannot under any circumstances accrue a bonus higher than +3 in this way.


« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 05:11:21 PM by Chase »
...and I killed a guy with a trident!


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Re: February 28th Arena: Doubles Tournament
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2012, 02:08:51 PM »
This event will be held on Saturday the 25th.

I believe the 28th is a Tuesday.
A small stone may make a ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave. - Wiegraf Folles


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Re: February 25th Arena: Doubles Tournament
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2012, 05:12:26 PM »

You guys are all powerful moderators!!!  The ability to edit any post is awesome.  ;)

« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 10:20:21 PM by Chase »
"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it."
- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel


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Re: February 25th Arena: Doubles Tournament
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2012, 09:12:25 PM »
I was all confused.  I just logged on to fix the date and it was already done.  Thanks Chase
...and I killed a guy with a trident!


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Re: February 25th Arena: Doubles Tournament
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2012, 08:45:49 PM »
The results for the Double Tournament!!

We had 6 people involved in this event.  The teams were:  Alan Lucas and myself, Zach Lucas and Dylan O'Brien, and Alley Livingston and Nathan.

We incorporated the Crit Fumble deck for more flair which made it all the more interesting.  At least every other round someone was rolling a critical miss.

The Most Damage Award goes to Dylan for rolling a total of 18 damage in a single attack.

The Most Dramatic Death goes to Nathan for his Half-Orc continuing to fight while below 0 hit points and essentially killing himself since he was unable to deal a killing blow to himself.

The Best Kill goes to no one.  The Emperor was unimpressed with any kills that occurred in this event and more entertained by the amount of fumbles accomplished during this battle.

The Greatest Fumble was surprisingly a team effort.  Alan critically missed an attack and blinded himself and I (Chad) followed up in the same round by critically missing an attack and lodging my weapon into the ground.  Needless to say, our enemy was well cooled with wind of our missed attacks.

The Most Consistent Damage goes to myself (Chad) for only being able to roll 7 points of damage every time I hit someone.

Until next time...blood, death and vengeance!

...and I killed a guy with a trident!