Everything you need to know about the campaign condensed into one page.
Copies of the Blood in the Badlands, Storm of Magic and the Warhammer Fantasy rulebook will be at Battlegrounds in Abington for use of players involved in the Campaign.
Before you start you need to:
Declare what army book you will be using and what color you want to be represented by on the board.
Create three lord choices for your three armies, they need to be:
Non-unique, non-named generic lord choices
625 points or less
You need to name them (yes, you really do need to name them).
Put in a Bid for terrain, which works like this:
You have 5 points to bid and you must put in at least 3 bids.
You can bid zero points on a piece of terrain.
Ties for bids are resolved by roll off.
Bids should look like this:
B7, 3 Points, for Iron Rock
E3, 2 Points, Next to Storm Henge
J6, 0 Points, Location
Whichever Bid you win will buy you that tile (or close enough to fulfill your reason for bidding) and the 6 tiles surrounding.
Place Buildings:
Each Player gets 1 Capital (+2 to fortification save, games here are siege), 1 Fortress (+1 fortification save, games here are siege) and 1 goldmine (gives a roll before each turn to gain additional points, relics or magic items, can collapse).
Unless told otherwise or a blocking special campaign tile I will place the capital in the center of the claimed terrain, the Fortress and Goldmine adjacent on a random board edge (facing no other player if possible).
Before each season you need to:
Place armies inside your Empire and put in your first turn moves. First turn moves should look like this:
(Generals Name) starts at C3, moves toward E5 to declare a challenge, If I don't get all the way to E5 don't move and build fortress instead.
To sum up: Which army, starting on which tile, is moving to where, to do what, and if you can't what else will it do.
Consult Season Rules:
Spring: Lore of life castings add +1 to casting total. Any dangerous terrain tests are failed on a 1 or 2.
Summer: Armies that are scattered are instead placed inside friendly empire.
Autumn: Any Storm of Magic game played grants both players a Relic, Any storm of Magic game played adjacent to or on the same tile as the Flying Fastness grants 2 relics instead of 1.
Winter: Roll a D6 at the start of each battle. On a 1-2 a blizzard sweeps over the battlefield and the maximum visibility is reduced to 24"
At the End of each season you need to:
Exchange captured characters to their owners for 1 Relic or Sacrifice them with Stormhenge (if owned) for D3 relics.
Put in your availability for the End of Season Scenario. (Do this early to make sure you'll get to participate, as just showing up grants you D3 Relics and winning grants free unique Magic Items and campaign tiles).
Turns work like this:
You should try to submit your turns for the following week as early as possible. An example of what your turns submissions should look like is up under "Before each season you need to:" and be sure to submit your movements for all 3 armies. 1 army MUST stay inside your empire though.
1. I will move the Flying Fastness in a random direction D6 tiles.
2. Starting with the Smallest Empire and going to the Largest, each player gets a Random Event. (This will be rolled by me, and I will try to have someone around to verify it). If you don't like the roll you get and you have a wizards tower, just reply to the post that you are using your wizards tower and what the new result is.
3. Armies will be moved D3 according to the turn submissions received. If a player doesn't submit their armies will stay still.
4. Declare War (Challenges). When you submitted your movements you should also have submitted your one challenge (you can receive one and declare one in a turn, if you have received one you're not require to declare one). However you may be required to declare a different challenge if one of the following has occured:
Your army is in the same tile as another non-allied army.
If another non-allied army is in your empire.
If your army is in another non-allied players empire.
Otherwise you can challenge anyone your ally could challenge. If you have more than one army in the same tile as another or a game involving two armies in the same tiles was not played the following happens:
Roll a D6, if it's a 1 your army is scattered (removed for the season), on a 2-3 your army lost and was pushed back a tile, 4-5 the opposing army lost and was pushed back a tile and on a 6 the opposing army is scattered (removed for the season).
5. Roll for Mines, make sure to do this with another player watching to verify. You can do this before a game each week. If you don't have a game but want to roll anyway then let me know and I'll make sure to do it in front of another play or BG staff member so they can verify. Consult the "Blood in the Badlands" Book on page 20 to find out what you rolled.
6. Fight Battles: This is where you actually play a game. Games can be any point value mutually agreed on. 2500 if no agreement can be reached or the maximum one player can field if they can't reach 2500. Roll a D6 before the game begins, on a 6 it is a storm of Magic game in addition to whatever is rolled for game type (players can mutually agree to omit any game type they want). If the challenge is over a campaign tile that contains a Fortress, Town, Capital or special terrain piece that counts as any of the above then the game is automatically a siege game with the owning player defending. Siege games and Storm of Magic game can coincide. You must take your army general for that army, as well as any Regiments of Renown generated for that army (see the Spoils of War and Random Events table).
7. Game Resolution:
Whoever won the game rolls a D6 on the Spoils of War table
Whoever lost rolls on the Ignominious Defeats table (both on page 19 of Blood in the Badlands)
Any army generals who died must roll on the Character Injuries table
The winner rolls a D6 for the losing army, on a 1-3 the army is driven back a tile towards it's capital, on a 4-6 the army is scattered (removed for the season).
8. Expedition Resolution:
If your army was driven back or scattered by losing a game, it can do nothing else.
If your army is in an unclaimed tile, you can put a flag in it.
If an army is in it's own empire it may build a fortress, mine or wizards tower. Or it may build a town over an existing fortress (town replaces a fortress). Each tile can only have one building (including special campaign tiles) and each army can only build once per season.
If your army is in an enemy tile that does not contain any enemy armies you may attempt to conquer it. The enemy player may attempt to make a fortification save:
If the tile borders your own their save is -1
If their tile borders a fortress their save is +1
If their tile borders a town or capital their save is +2
Your opponent can give you a relic to bribe you, each relic grants him +1
If the roll is 6+ then the player is successful and the tile does not change hands. If the roll is failed the conquering player removes the enemy flag and places his own. Any buildings built stay there and become the property of the conquering player.
9. End of Turn
Each season is 4 weeks long, the last week of each season had an end of Season Scenario which you must forfeit your challenge to attend. You may do this even if you would normally be required to make a different challenge. It's important to state your availability for end of season scenarios as early as possible so we can maximize the number of people who can attend.
The Spring Scenario:
Siege of Mount Bloodhorn: Each player participating receives D3 relics.
Winning Players split the following:
Mount Bloodhorn campaign tile (See "Claiming Terrain" Doc for special rules)
Shield of Ekrund: Magic Armor, when wielded with a hand weapon confers a 5+ parry save
Banner of Mount Bloodhorn: Magic Standard, Modles in the unit with this banner gain the Devastating Charge rule the first time they charge each game.
Icon of the Siegbreaker: Talisman, When fighting a Siege scenario, you may re-roll all the dice when rolling for attacking or defensive Artillery fire.
More details on the scenario, and later season scenarios will be posted as we come closer.