I was also at Conflict and I was watching that doubles game, so I can fill you in on the details.
Troy and Bill were playing these two guys who had basically just lucked their way to the top table for the final game. They pretty clearly weren't very good and had fairly substandard lists. Anyway, one of the two guys was playing a DoA Blood Angels list, and it looked like he had a lot of the guys on the table for a 1000 point game. Troy/Bill asked him about the contents of his list a couple of times, and he layed out what was in it, but it still seemed like a lot. So at the end of turn two, either or Troy or Bill (I can't remember which), asked him point blank if he had more than a 1000 points on the table. The guy thinks for a second, gets this sheepish look on his face, and says 'oh....whoops...I think I put my 1750 list on the table'. Long story short, no one believed that he did it on accident, the TO dqed his team, and everyone mocked him for the rest of the weekend, as he richly deserved. Personally, I think he should have been kicked out of the event entirely, but it didn't matter much, as he did terribly in the singles.