I was wondering when someone would catch on... assuming you did actually catch on.
Anyways, I have some bad news but then some good news. The bad news is that due to some unexpected [family stuff] I haven't been able to work on the adventure for the last 5 or so days, so I'm going to have to cancel this week's game. I'm just not comfortable kicking off a new campaign area without more prep time. I'll still be at BG on Friday if you want to talk about the game or ask questions or play something else, just no Pathfinder this time.
The good news is it gives me some time to reiterate what I said at the end of the last game. For those of you who left early or didn't hear: I'm taking your suggestions on the direction the campaign should take. Not for the plot (I had that basically in mind when we started... hehehe) but on what future adventures should include/exclude.
Stuff like:
-Dungeon crawling
-Puzzle solving
Since we're moving to a relatively open slate, this is an excellent time to let your voice be heard. Do you want more combat? Less? More RP situations? Non-violent encounter solutions (either bypassing through social skills or avoiding the threat entirely)?
Let me know.