Author Topic: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.  (Read 2711 times)


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Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« on: October 10, 2011, 03:17:21 PM »
Fantasy Restrictions:
2400 points.
Dark Elf Sorceresses may not use more dice than normal.
Teclis, Kairos, and Thorek are all banned.
All other Special Characters are on a case by case basis and need to be approved for use.

Characters will get "look out sir" versus the following spells that automatically kill models or automatically remove an entire regiment: Dwellers Below, Final Transmutation, Dreaded 13th, Infernal Gateway 11-12 effect. Normal requirements for lookout sir apply.

Army used can be any of the currently published GW Army books.
A maximum of 3 identical core choices may be taken (regardless of equipment and other upgrades)
An army may have up to 5 war machines and template weapons. Warmachines that use a template count as a single choice in this regard. All template weapons (from magic items, abilities, etc.) count, except for spells.
Max. 45 models with missile weapons with a range of 12”+ (not incl. war machines, characters and chariots).  

Unit sizes are limited as follows:
Units cannot be more than 40 models nor 450 points (including all command, upgrades, magic items/banners). This restriction applies during the creation of the roster - unit size/cost may be increased during the game (for example - by joining characters to the unit). This restriction does not apply to characters.

Magic Restrictions:
Apart from Winds of magic and Channeling, an army may only generate 2 PD/DD per magic phase.
You may have units/abilities that actually would generate more than 2 extra dice, but any excess dice are lost
Some magic items/abilities count as generating dice toward this limit.
"Count as" items/abilities may never exceed a cumulative 2 PD/DD per phase. This means that if you take the Book of Hoeth, you may not take any other items that "count as adding PD/DD"
All modifiers are applied from the army list and will not change during the game.

Item restrictions:
Each Loremaster ability counts as generating 1 PD each magic phase
Any item that auto-dispels a spell counts as generating 1 DD each magic phase.
Folding Fortress is not allowed

Army Specific Restrictions:
Beastmen: Beastmen armies have an extra 200 points for their roster (2600 total). All victory points scored against this army are decreased by 10% (excluding bonus points for banners, general, etc.).
Bretts: No Restrictions
Dark Elves: Hydra is a 0-1 choice. Max. 35 repeater Crossbows in the army (regardless of who carries them). Repeater Bolt Throwers 0-2. Flying units (inc. characters on flying steeds) in the army limited to 0-3. Shades max 20 models per army. Dreadlord on pegasus cannot take Crown of Command.
Dwarves: Each spellbreaker/spelleater rune counts as +1 DD. Grudge Throwers are a 0-2 choice; May generate Max. +4 dispel dice instead of +2
DOC: Max. 28 Models per unit; Flamers are a 0-1 choice. All daemonic gifts are 0-1. Bloodletters and Herald of Khorne are 0-3 total. Daemonic Battle Standard can take either daemonic icon or gifts. Lord of Change counts as 1 PD
Empire: Steam Tank counts as a war machine; Tank, Rocket battery and Engineers are 0-1 choices
High Elves: Max. 500 points or 40 models per unit; Vortex Shard counts as +1DD; Book of Hoeth counts as 2PD and 2 DD; Banner of the World Dragon counts as +1 DD
Lizardmen: Salamanders are a 0-1 Choice ; Terradons and Stegadons (any kind) are 0-2 choices; Beclaming Cogitations counts as +2DD; Cupped hands counts as +2PD; Skink Cohort models do not count towards the shooting restrictions.
Ogres: Hell Heart counts as 2DD; Units comprised of only gnoblars do not count towards the shooting restrictions.
O&G: Night Goblin Shamans are 0-3 (max 3 of any kind of NG shaman); mushroom dice do not count as power dice in regard to the PD limit.
Skaven: All Skaven rare choices 0-1; Gutter runners are a 0-2 choice; Engineers are a 0-3 choice;
Vampires: Wraiths and Varghulf and TerroGeist are 0-1 choices. Wraith unit size - maximum 5 models. Army may have maximum two units (total) of: wraiths, black coach or spirit hosts. Army may include a maximum of two of the following: Helm of Commandment, Master of the Black Arts, Drakenhoff Banner.
TK: Neferra's Scrolls of Mighty Incantations counts as 2 PD AND 2 DD. Hierotitan is worth 1 PD so long as it's alive. Sphinxes of all kinds: 0-3 per army
WE: Wand of Wych Elm counts as +1 DD
Warriors of Chaos: Hellcannon is a 0-1 choice. Infernal Puppet counts as +1 PD and +2DD; Tendrils of Tzeench and Conjoined Homunculus both counts as +1 PD. Favour of the Gods cannot be taken by a Champion of a Chosen of Tzeentch unit

Fully Painted Armies are required!  This means all models must be painted to a three color minimum.

Army lists will be CLOSED, with the exception that you must reveal ALL "counts as" PD or DD items/abilities at the start of the game.

All rounds will be 2.5 hours.
Saturday Feb, 4th:  8-9:15 registration/table assignments.  
      9:15-11:45, RND 1.
      11:45-12:45 Lunch
      12:45 - 3:15, RND 2
      3:15-3:45, Break
      3:45-6:15, RND 3

Sun Feb, 5th:  8:30-9:15 checkin/ table assignments.
      9:15-11:45 RND 4.
      11:45-12:45,  Lunch
      12:45 - 3:15 RND 5.
      3:15-3:45 clean up
      4-4:15  Awards.

Fantasy Scoring:
0-200 Victory-Points difference - 8-8
201-400 - 9-7
401-600 - 10-6
601-800 - 11-5
801-1000 - 12-4
1001-1200 – 13-3
1201-1400 – 14-2
1401-1600- 15-1
1601+ 16-0

There will also be 4 objectives worth 1 BP each during each game.

MAX of 100 Battle Points throughout the tournament (20 each round).

Everyone starts out with 20/30 possible points for sportsmanship.  At the end of every game, you will score your opponent on a pass/fail system.
Ask yourself the following:

"Did my opponent's attitude and/or behavior make the game an UNpleasant experience, overall?"
Note to the player: Please be sure that your answer is based on your opponent's behavior as a person, not on their army, and certainly not on who won or lost. Thank you!

IF you would answer the above question with a "YES"  Then your opponent failed.
Each failure will be handles as follows:
1 failure = -2points
2 failures = -5 points
3 failures = -10 points
4 failures = -20 points and DQ'd from winning any awards
5 failures = DQ and not allowed to return.

Note: All "Bad game" votes will need to be explained to the TO.  Just to ensure that it was legitimately earned.

At the end of the Event, you will fill in your favorite opponent from the event.  Each Favorite opponent vote gets you 2 points added to your sports score.


Painting will be based on a checklist which will be worth 30 points. I will do by best to have a rough outline for the checklist up shortly.

End result:

Battle: 100 points
Sports: 30 points
Painting: 30 points
Total: 160 points

Best Overall: will go to the player with the highest total score.  Tie Breaker will be sportsmanship.
Best General: will go to the player with the highest Battle point total. Tie Breaker will be sportsmanship.
Best Sport:  will go to the player with the highest Sportsmanship score. Tie Breaker will Battle points.
Player's Choice:  will go to the player with the most votes for "Favorite Army" by all participants.  Tie breaker will be painting score.
Runner up:  will be awarded to the player who played on the highest ranked table in round 5 who did not receive a different award (winner first).

There will be a charity doubles event on Friday.

I will get a sample Scenario posted in the very near future.

I hope a lot of the BG community can come our for this.  I think we have an awesome community at the store and I would like to see a lot of you there.

Registration Here

Specific event registration will not be up until early Nov.  In the mean time.  You can email me(keith) at to hold your spot.  

Lists will be due Jan. 20th for validation purposes.

There will also be Warmachine, Magic, VTES, DnD, Video and Board game events going on all weekend.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2011, 03:57:26 PM by keithb »


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2011, 03:23:47 PM »
Hi all.  I addition to keith's post, I'll be helping judge the Tourney and making fun and different scenarios to mix things up.
I know there are a lot of restrictions, but that is to keep the game less of a "who can make the cheeziest list" match and more about dice and generalship. 
Hope many can make it.
Any questions, ask Keith or myself.


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2011, 03:43:59 PM »
Awesome can't wait! I missed last year but will definitely come out for this one.


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2011, 05:20:11 PM »
And dont forget brother, they really felt bad for you and even gave you an extra 200 pts for your list :)


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2011, 05:27:58 PM »
Yes, Beastmen get 2600 points!


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2011, 11:36:49 PM »
And dont forget brother, they really felt bad for you and even gave you an extra 200 pts for your list :)

i know, i've been testing out all kinds of ideas too. it is tempting to cop out and take my daemons though, they can still fit some fun toys in that comp. on the other hand, you don't see tourneys that give the beasts this kind of leg up very often so it would be a shame to not see what they could do with it. in the end i'll prolly compromise and take daemons to conflict and beasts to onslaught, both should be pretty fun.


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2011, 01:11:49 AM »
what is conflict?  im going to do the templecon.  the requirements they have are very interesting.  i have not done a tourney like it before


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2011, 12:48:04 PM »
this tourney is conflict. i've never been and its just a couple hours away so i figured i'd check it out.


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2011, 09:48:21 AM »
Website is HERE

I have been the last two years,  terrain was pretty light last year, but it was a good event.


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2011, 03:51:36 PM »
r u going for friday events or just the fantasy event for the conflict?   where r u staying?


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2011, 03:45:52 PM »
Event registration is now live!

Sign up!


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #11 on: November 22, 2011, 08:29:46 PM »
r u going for friday events or just the fantasy event for the conflict?   where r u staying?
i haven't really worked out the details to be honest. it all depends on the work schedule for both me and the mrs that weekend. i'd really like to go and am trying to work everything out. honestly, i'm not worried about a fantasy event selling out (a sad and painful truth, but it is what it is) so i'm pretty certain i have until the registration deadline to work things out.

templecon is a different story though, my beastmen will be attending (and kicking teeth out).


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2012, 11:40:40 AM »
Pre-reg is over.  Which I didn't realize means you cannot sign up via the website.

We still have space, PLEASE email me ASAP to hold you a spot if you can commit to playing at the con.


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Re: Onslaught GT @ Templecon, Feb. 3-5th in Warwick RI.
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2012, 12:54:14 PM »
Sent you an email