Author Topic: Arvard Ardboyz Official 40k Doubles Tournament 2011  (Read 653 times)

Sword Brethren

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Arvard Ardboyz Official 40k Doubles Tournament 2011
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:30:10 PM »
We're holding our annual 40K doubles event at Pandemonium in Central Square Cambridge.

Here's the event information. 

Arvard Ardboyz Official 40k Doubles Tournament 2011
When: November 12th, 2011 at 11am
Where: Pandemonium Books and Games, Cambridge, MA.
Points: 1250 per player, 2500 per team.
Please note armies are required to be fully painted and based.
Entry Fee - $15 per team ($10 with $5 'Ardboyz Membership Discount)

Please announce this to the other gaming communities!

Official Rules:

A General Note: These rules are almost identical to those used in previous years. Prize support will be looked at more carefully this year to spread the wealth around a bit more and new prize categories may be added. Please read these rules carefully. If you have any questions or need clarification of a point please contact the head tournament judge before the tournament.  If you are not sure who this is you can find out by contacting the Tournament Organizer (e-mails:

The Warhammer 40K Fifth Edition Rules will be used.
The following is a list of legal army choices:
Codex: Black Templars
Codex: Blood Angels
Codex: Chaos Daemons
Codex: Chaos Space Marines
Codex: Dark Angels
Codex: Dark Eldar
Codex: Eldar
Codex: Grey Knights
Codex: Imperial Guard
Codex: Necrons
Codex: Orks
Codex: Space Marines
Codex: Space Wolves
Codex: Tau
Codex: Tyranids
Codex: Sisters of Battle (WD version)

Models and Points:
1.  Each player must bring an army consisting of no greater than 1250, in accordance with these rules. Each team will consist of two players fighting together.

Each player’s 1250 point army must fit in the Team Tournament Force Organization chart which is as follows:

1 HQ
0-1 Elites
2-3 Troops
0-1 Fast Attack
0-1 Heavy Support

In addition, the two players on a team share three ‘floating’ selections, one each in Elites, Fast Attack, and Heavy Support. Either player may use up to two of these floating slots, but may not use the same slot as their partner. For example, Player A takes a second Elites choice and a second Heavy Support choice. This means their partner, Player B, may take a second Fast Attack choice as the third floating slot.

2.  All models must follow “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG). All weapons, war gear, and so forth must be represented on the model.

3.  Forge World Imperial Armor units and army lists may not be used. However, Forge World models that represent codex choices are permissible.

4.  If illegal units or other rules violations are found in a player’s army list, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed from all subsequent play. In addition, tournament points may be deducted and/or award eligibility may be forfeited. If in doubt, please ask for clarification in advance.

5.  All models used in the tournament must be painted. This means no bare metal, plastic, or primer showing. As a general guideline, models should have a minimum of three colors (counting shading, highlighting, etc.). Bases (excluding flying bases) must also be painted and/or flocked but are not required to have three colors. The judge's decision on this (and any other matter) will be final. You may play with models which you have not yourself painted. However, you should notify the judges of any models you are using which you did not personally paint; these models will not be considered when judging painting scores.

6.  All models used must be based on Citadel or Forge World miniatures, although these miniatures may be converted. Hence, a model which is scratch-built or uses a majority of pieces from other brands of miniatures will not be allowed. These rules do not apply to codex entries which do not have an appropriate Citadel model.

Note: We encourage conversion work to create eye-catching models and themes however we strongly encourage that all conversions be based on Games Workshop models.  Conversions made from scratch or from non-GW models are welcomed as long as they are decent and fully convey the model they are designed to be.  Lumps of Green Stuff are not an acceptable substitute for a Spawn nor are red pipe cleaners bent to spell out “BLOOD” as Bloodletters.

Remember: Wise-ass conversions are only funny or acceptable the first time someone tries it.  

If you are at all in doubt then run the models in question by the TO and we will tell you if they are acceptable.  

Additional Force Organization Rules and FAQ:
1.  Mandatory HQ choices for an army are optional for this event.

2.  Any special or named character allowed in games of 1,250 may be taken. A character or other unit allowed in games of 2,500 (but not 1,250) may be taken only if it is a valid unit choice for both armies in the team. A single team may not include duplicates of any special or named character. If a character alters force organization unit classifications the team may choose for this to apply to both armies in the team as long that character is a valid unit choice for both armies. For example, if one player on a team takes Belial then both players may use Deathwing armies.

3.  Armies that may take multiple HQ units as part of a single HQ Slot must abide by Codex restrictions as if both players were a single army (ie. Team HQ Units must feature all different load outs, a codex 0-1 restriction would apply to both players, etc.).  Note that this is an exception to the rule that each player’s force is a separate army.

4.  Teams are not integrated. You may not share tech (for example, using each others teleport homers, Chaos Icons, webway portals, etc).

5.  Necrons will never phase out.

General Game and Tournament Rules:
1.  The rulings of the tournament judges are final. Arguments or poor conduct by players will not be tolerated.

2.  In order to keep the tournament on schedule, when time is called for a round all players must drop their dice and stop playing immediately – no exceptions. Because of this, be cognizant of the time left in the round and do not start a turn both teams cannot finish.

3.  The two armies in a team perform their movement, shooting, and assault phases together in a single turn but are otherwise, unless noted differently in these rules, treated as separate armies. Even if both armies are chosen from the same codex and share the same special rules, they only affect the controlling player's army. (This means a team consisting of two Ork players will have two separate Waaagh!s that only effect their own forces.)  The phrase saying something to the effect of " choose a friendly unit/model" is hereby replaced with "All models in the army" for this event. You may not select a teammates unit.

4.  Each player must bring all materials needed to play including dice, measuring devices, and templates. Each player must also bring any applicable Codex or other rules for all units in their army, including the most recent FAQ (found on the Games Workshop website).  Each team must bring at least one copy of the Warhammer 40K rulebook.

5.  Each player must, during each round, provide the opposing team a copy of their 1250 point army list. In addition each player must have another copy of their army list, with a full points breakdown, to provide to the judges if required.

Rounds and Time:
Each team will play three games.  Each game will have a maximum of 2 hours to be played and will fit the schedule below:

11-12pm: Signups and check-in
12-2:30pm: Tournament Round 1
2:30-3:00pm: Lunch / Break
3:00-5:30pm: Tournament Round 2
5:30-8:00pm: Tournament Round 3
8-8:30pm: Awards and Prizes

Team Awards:
- Best Overall
- Best Composition
- Best Sportsmanship

Individual Awards
- Best Painting

The value of each award will be announced during the tournament and will vary depending on entry fees collected, the amount of prize support available from the host store and prize support available from Games Workshop. The best overall team will additionally have their names inscribed on the Arvard Ardboyz plaque of champions.  Please note that players using models consisting solely of another player's work are ineligible for best painting votes and prizes.

Three scenarios will be selected from our list of club-custom scenarios for the event.  New ones will be playtested in the coming weeks by the missions committee and a final decision will be made three weeks before the start of the event.  

Pre-reg is requested for all participants. Though not required, we have needed to turn teams away in the past due to lack of space. We've increased the number of playable tables within the club, but they still have a tendency to fill up fast.  

Pre reg now available!