Author Topic: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)  (Read 66825 times)


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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #165 on: September 20, 2011, 01:28:15 AM »
In hind sight, my comments were incredibly harsh and far more forceful than necessary, but it was kind ofgetting old, ben posted this idea, and we made it pretty clear what we were doing, and after 11 pages of heeing and hawing, people are still saying, "but you should do it like this" in ways that are not mini 40k games. However, that said, it still does not excuse me acting like a 9 year old, so please consider this a formal apology for my childish behavior, and lets try to all make this a really fun event! 

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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #166 on: September 20, 2011, 02:42:10 AM »
Anyone seen my diplomacy hat? It looks like Sam's fedora.

I just read the Adepticon Combat Patrols missions/scenarios from the past few years. The scenarios themselves are similar to what has been proposed here, or in some cases worse. (Kill Points, really?) Unfortunately, nothing inspirational there. One thing we're agreed on is the use of a 4'x4' table, so that's something...

For the actual Combat Patrol rules, the more I read these, the worse I felt. Why can't I take units with 2+ armor? Why can't I take Monstrous Creatures? Why can't I take named characters? Why can't I take a Land Raider?

My interest in organizing any "comp" (composition) event like this right now is less than zero. If people are interested in this sort of event, it should be known. (Clearly, some people are interested.) We can make it the next community-grown event... or just blatantly run Adepticon Combat Patrol, whatev. And it even could be "painting not required".

What makes the 500 point event unique and what I'm most excited about is the day being an exercise in extreme logic. Warhammer *should* be balanced at 500 points just as much as it is at 2500 points. In a strange way, it is. For any crazy thing you can do with a list, anyone can do. And who's to say craziest is best? It may yet bear out that a well-rounded force with a good general can win out the day. I'm also looking forward to handing out a stupid amount of prizes.

The 500 Point will not need a section of "Beware Oddities!" because of funky rules or scenarios. Anything that can happen in the 500 could happen in any other game.

I agree with Adepticon's General Rules, for what that's worth.


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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #167 on: September 20, 2011, 05:39:00 PM »
Hmm, okie dokies then. I'll join if I ever get my models painted BTW Ben. Just a heads up.

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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #168 on: September 20, 2011, 05:49:50 PM »
I will be there with 500 points of Thousand Sons. Like, 5 models or whatever.
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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #169 on: September 20, 2011, 07:21:29 PM »
I will be there with 500 points of Thousand Sons. Like, 5 models or whatever.
Yeah, they do start to look like a Necron list, except Thousand Sons have Psykers, AP 3 boltguns, Relentless and 3+/4+. They at least get something for their outrageous points... But yeah, I could only squeeze 11 models into a 500 point list.

Then again, one doesn't see Thousand Sons competitively and one likely won't see them at the 500 Point Tournament. So same difference, amirite?

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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #170 on: September 20, 2011, 07:23:25 PM »
I'm not worried about winning. I just want to play them and support this idea.
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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #171 on: September 20, 2011, 09:29:43 PM »
I'm not worried about winning. I just want to play them and support this idea.
Then I support you and want you to play. And they way the prizes come down by bracket, an 0-2 start doesn't mean you're out of the money entirely.

Can I make a recommendation? In the spirit of the day, tell people you are playing a Five Hundred Sons army.


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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #172 on: September 20, 2011, 09:31:53 PM »
6/6 fire warriors
2/2 gun drones

to do:
devil fish
10x kroot
shield drone
2x crisis suits
command suit
broad side

im about half way done the devil fish, but im out of baddab black wash T_T . Also this is the first time i am experimenting with highlighting. I wont update this thing everytime i get a model done, as that will jsut get tedious and be a pain for everyone, but i wanted to celebrate having finished my first full squad. yay!
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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #173 on: September 20, 2011, 09:48:13 PM »
Is the Kroot Codex legal for this?


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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #174 on: September 20, 2011, 10:07:56 PM »
Is the Kroot Codex legal for this?
Why yes. And why not? :D


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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #175 on: September 21, 2011, 12:43:47 AM »
Just a quick update that the announcement draft is good enough to go. So now it's just a matter of writing up the missions and illustrating them.

ETA: I found the Battle for Salvation 500 point packet. We're looking pretty good by comparison. :)

Their last mission is intriguing. Basically, tally how much the a nominated HQ unit kills. But I don't see how we can actually make it work. It seems like alot of work to keep track of this during the game, and I suspect there'd be debate over whether we should allow an HQ unit attached to a squad to gets credit or not... This scenario seems like a hot mess. Thoughts?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 01:10:27 AM by Benjamin »


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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #176 on: September 21, 2011, 01:00:15 AM »
Can I use this space to officially petition to ignore the WD "Codex" all together and just use the Witch Hunters Codex for Tournaments?
You can at least make this petition for the 500 tournament, sure.
The WD is literally just a kick in the balls to sisters players in terms of competitive viability, and I think you'll make a lot of people happy by ignoring it completely.
I agree with this, but (and there's always a but)... As this event will need to lean a little on GW prize support (*spoiler*), I don't know what we can do. But I'll ask.

What do people think about this? Sisters have my deepest sympathy, but sometimes a (really, really) bad codex is an army's lot in life.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 01:03:50 AM by Benjamin »


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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #177 on: September 21, 2011, 03:16:35 PM »
As a newer player, I like the sounds of all of this, even the painting part.

I'm still starting up in the hobby, but assembling and painting 500 points worth of units seems like a lot more attainable of a task than 1500.  Granted painting isn't what a lot of people got into the hobby for... but I think it makes an event like this a bit more fun, maybe it's just me.

I'll have to figure out a 500 point tyranid army when I get home, but given the smaller board... I'm thinking that something crazy like raveners could be hilarious with some big move and assault ranges.

... Granted it also means they'll be shot in the face a lot earlier, but hey, that's the risk you take!  ;D

I'm looking at this as more of a tournament to have fun and mess around with things you might not normally use, just based on the fact that "hey, it's only 500 points!"  Of course strategy will still be involved, but it should be entertaining first and foremost.

As far as which codex to use / exclude... I feel like that would be primarily upon the tournament organizers to decide.  Which is... all of us.  Personally, as long as we're not talking about SEVERELY outdated codexes (codicies? plural of codex anyone?), then I'd say play whatever you'd have fun using.
Reality is a cruel and unintuitive place with rather frustrating game-play mechanics.


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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #178 on: September 21, 2011, 03:19:47 PM »
I'm looking at this as more of a tournament to have fun and mess around with things you might not normally use, just based on the fact that "hey, it's only 500 points!"  Of course strategy will still be involved, but it should be entertaining first and foremost.

This.  Exactly this.
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Re: 500 Points about 500 Points (Lists, Touraments & Rules, oh my!)
« Reply #179 on: September 21, 2011, 03:32:14 PM »
I'm looking at this as more of a tournament to have fun and mess around with things you might not normally use, just based on the fact that "hey, it's only 500 points!"  Of course strategy will still be involved, but it should be entertaining first and foremost.

This.  Exactly this.
*fingers crossed!*   :)