Chase and I chatted today, made great strides! Got a tentative date and the prize structure laid out.
Our mission now, should we choose to accept it, is to create mission objectives and game types. I'm hoping to avoid Ard Boyz silliness. Keep 'em short, keep 'em simple. Tie-breaker is always Victory Points, and if that's a draw, then the result is a draw (1/2 win).
Here's what Sam and I came up with (though Sam was distracted by Superman Returns). One thing I'm noticing is how over 5 rounds, the most balanced lists are likely going to achieve victory.
3 Objectives. There are two variants of this, and I can see both being used. The first variant has an objective in the center of the table, with an objective marker in the center of each table half.
The second variant has objectives stretched and spread evenly across the table mid-line.
One controversial mission objective is Kill Models. Similar to Kill Points, except players tally the number of models killed. This one is truly up in the air, definitely need feedback.
We considered a Kill HQ! mission, but it seemed likely that players would just hide the HQs all game. But it was pointed out, if someone takes a big HQ choice (200+ points), that's a huge part of the army not playing.
We decided a Kill Troops! mission would be better overall.
Here's one we got excited about, but it's rough. This is the one that stretches what we're comfortable with, which isn't a bad thing...
Mission - Table Quarters
Deployment -
Players roll off to determine who goes first. The player who goes first chooses a long table edge to be his own. Players designate one quarter along their table edge in which the opponent cannot deploy. This is the Home Quarter. Players then alternate deploying units, rolling randomly to determine in which table quarter that unit can deploy. Units cannot deploy within 12" of an enemy unit. Should a unit be unable to deploy in the randomly determined table quarter, the unit instead deploys in Home Quarter.
That's only like 4 decent ideas, and we'll need 5 solid ones.