Hrmm, fought a mephiston list last night. Mephiston can do damage to a Hammerhead a lot more easily than I thought.
Yeah, even if Mephy needs 6s to hit, he's still auto-penning the vast marjority of Rear Armour. To say nothing of when he needs 4s or auto-hits...
I really think people are underestimating how difficult Mephiston is to kill at this points level, but *shrug* oh well
Also, for funsies, new Necrons:
Necron Overlord w/ Warscythe - in Catacomb Command Barge (180)
Necron Overlord w/ Warscythe - in Catacomb Command Barge (180)
5xNecron Warriors (65)
5xNecron Warriors (65)
A.k.a. "please enjoy beeing Sweep Attacked by two Warscythes every round"