Now we got a thread where we can take any arguments in other threads so that people can still read the important posts about the original one.
The comp list debate, my two cents... It does suck since plenty of codexes limit the amount of troops or transports available. I like comp scores when they put a low score on the really overpowered lists and not on the less-competitive, but still allow the dick players to compete. The character rule in warmahordes is something that is tough for certain factions/lists to get over, but oh well. Do I like it? No. Will I still abide by it and have fun? Sure. This is a good attitude to have. If you don't like something, as an adult, nobody is forcing you to do it. But if you like the game, why not play and enjoy?
In the ard boyz debate...
Who cares if someone already won a spot and plays again? If rules and the TO allowed it it's on them, not the player. Plus it wasn't out of trying to cut someone out it was to have fun, and you wouldn't have complained if they lost the second day so what's the difference? Just play the game, and if you win, great, if you don't, oh well.