Author Topic: buying space marines or chaos space marines =P  (Read 1869 times)


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buying space marines or chaos space marines =P
« on: October 10, 2008, 09:14:50 AM »
hey guys i am getting back into warhammer 40k i use to play tau and it was not much fun, i really want to get into space marines or chaos space marines. if you have them unpainted that would be awesome but i really don't care i will just strip them again ( will need advice on how i should do that ) so please contact me at or post here or aim me at bart2713

thanks guys   ;D

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Re: buying space marines or chaos space marines =P
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 09:56:12 AM »
A great way to get back in is black reach.  It's cheaper than most people will sell you, you can trade the orks for more marines (from another black reach buyer) and you can support BG.

The models are pretty loads better than the previous snap fit ones and fit very well among "normal" marines.


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Re: buying space marines or chaos space marines =P
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 11:16:30 PM »
After talking to Derek tonight, I'm able to tell you that i'm getting rid of my chaos army.  If your interested you would give derek cash and he would make sure you got the army. Currently i have

9xTerminators with 3 reaper auto cannons and all armed with lightning claws
32 Chaos Marines
2x Sorceror models
1x Demon Prince model
10x Raptors, 3x melta gun
30 or so Khornate Bezerkers
30 Bloodletter models one on juggernaught.
2 Dreadnaughts.
1x possessed squad
1x havoc squad, 4x las cannons.

All totaled its a lot of stuff, I'm hoping to pull like $250 for it. Thats argueable though.
I do have a problem with Vulcan twin-linking every non-UltraMarine whatever-gun on the table.
Thank you for this Chase


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Re: buying space marines or chaos space marines =P
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2008, 01:57:12 AM »
i decided to make a space marine army instead, i already started. thanks for the offer though

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