Hello gamers, I am still in the hunt for some gamers. Thursday's, Saturdays, maybe sundays. At present thrusday looks to be changeing to a Super Hero's game, what system is being debated. Personaly dont' think it will take off but am going to give it my all. Sat is 3.5, normaly runs sat afternoon and or nite.. Rarely on friday nites. We have taken a break but are in the process to get started again.. 12lvl charcters.. Sunday well we have a group of 5. 1 or 2 more would be great. Here again its 3.5, (so much better than 4th.) With this group experiance runs from 4 years to the conception of D and D. We will be starting at 1st lvl. If intrested in any of these contact me at BK9wolf@aol.com