Sure, if you can come with a reasonablly artsy fartsy objective and flag/banner/marker(s) you can get 5 points for the objectives (make 3) and flag/etc/etc/etc (make 3) each.
you cant change it after you "deploy it" on the map, but do you really change your 35 point list with the same warcaster THAT much? we can discuss it. plus, you get three casters/warlocks. I will also allow you to run multiple factions, so ian could run say khador, protectorate and everblight one flag/e/e/e/e/e per faction, I see no biggie there.
also, there will be scaling for games:
25 points = .5 * points
35 points = 1 * points
50 points = 1.5 * points
cool beans? cool beans.
All i need is a poster sized map of immoren, and we can do this.
now I play, the waiting game...