I had a real feeling that this would be how the metagame was developing. If you havent seen the trend, since warmachine has came back and increased its popularity, the 40k players have taken to heart the competitive values of warmachine (speed, brutality, and priority synergy). Im surprised by the zero dark eldar armies placing, because not many people have a solid game plan yet for dealing with them excep hope to shoot them down before theyre on top of you. I kind of knew transport rush would come back in a major way with the rise of grey knights and other codexes like it. Meltaguns are so cost effective to put in a unit that the pros are starting to put emphasis on pod lists or just a simple rhino. I will look forward to how the grey knights fall into the tournament scene. Shunting units and the stern block seem strong lists, and power weapon spam is interesting, but they lack in some areas where the old meta players would think is unrecoverable. Overall, good food for thought, especially with doubles this weekend and summer coming up fast.