This is what im selling for $200 store credit:
1 chaos rhino - painted somewhat, easy to go over or strip
~2-3 9 man plague marine units - painted and inked
9 man thousand sons - primed black
9 khorne berserkers unit - assembled with very nice lovingly kit bashed models
2 terminators - stormshield mace guy is black with red details, ands a blueish sgt that I did decent painting
10 possesed - assembled
doomsday device - unpainted homemade
Ahriman - primed black
tzeentch lord - painted and converted from emperors champion
also you get all this free with it:
warmachine cryx iron lich asphyxious
warmachine cryx skarlock thrall
warmachine crux slayer
malifaux guild austringer
malifaux guild lawyer
malifaux guild 3 death marshals