Librarian's idea for moon to planet interaction is plausible. I've been mulling a similar idea for planet to planet interaction, the Inter Table Ballistic Missile (ITBM). There are some strategic assets that might plausibly be mounted on a warhead. These might include vortex grenade, anti plant barrage, blind barrage, and orbital bombardment. As either a feature of a table or a strategic asset, there might be silos on certain tables that can launch strategic assets, assuming the silos haven't been captured or destroyed first. I might suggest that two or three ITBMs might be bought as a single strategic asset, but all of them might not be launched as the other side will be trying to destroy the launchers.
ITBMs might not be able to target their own launch table, and might not have the range to reach the moon.
There was a discussion on whether there should only be one set of strategic assets per side as per book, rather than one set of assets per side per table. This could be the difference between 2 flank marches and 10. The argument against was that there are more players on a side than there are assets. One wants everyone to have a shot at a decent asset. There are 24 non-banned assets in the base rules, with several more per army in Reload. The Reload assets are quite sexy, and should not be overlooked. Also, most of the assets in the base book are not controversial. Most of them might be allowed twice.
Creating a few additional inter table assets might be interesting. Instead of putting an inter table asset objective in no man's land and fighting over it, if a player selects an inter table asset it would be placed in his own deployment zone, and might be easier to defend.
Last year, when it became clear that the opposition was going to take the lunar launch control building, we blew away the launch control building. I suspect this will happen a lot if inter table stuff is located in no-man's land. Having players buy an inter table asset so they might place it somewhere defendable might be worth considering.
I might suggest that a tunnel between the sewer and city tables might be a plausible inter table asset.
I also suggested that on the ice table, ice skates might be a plausible asset, but no one seemed to take me seriously.