Hi Folks,
This Tom, your friendly local Steve Jackson Games MIB. To those that do not know that means, I demo SJG products and run events. I would like to propose a Munchkin League on Mondays at the Abington Store.
Please read the Standard operating procedure I have laid out for the league and comment below to show interest, or if you have suggestions.
The SOP is as follows:
The way it would working is that we have four week campaigns.
The first three weeks are qualifying rounds with two games a night, with the fourth week being a final round for the six winners of the qualifying rounds in an Epic Munchkin game, meaning a game to level 20.
To keep a person from winning twice in separate qualifying rounds in a campaign, without denying him/her a chance to play,there will be two, or more, tables of Munchkin going when necessary.
There would be one competitive table twice a night each Monday, and at least one casual table through out the night.
The reason for this being: if a player qualifies they can be shifted to the casual table until the final game of the Campaign.
Both tables will of course receive promos for participating, so a qualifier will be able to build up their arsenal for the final round.
That being said all, competitive rounds, including the final, would operate on the rule of only one more promo than the player with the least number of promo.
(Promo means anything that gives an advantage outside the original core set, including apps, mask, bookmarks, greeting cards, dice, ect.)
All participants get a book mark
All qualifier winners get a promo card
All campaign winners win a promo coin, or something better.
Other differences between the two tables are that:
• The competitive table is first come, first serve, to promote prompt arrival for the game.
• Only core sets at the competitive table (perhaps more in the campaign finale),
where as the casual table can play any reasonable (AKA card clean up and sorting I am willing to deal with) combination.
I will be often showing off new Munchkin stuff at this table
In about a six months there might be enough campaign winners to have a game where they face each other, with something really special up for grabs to the winner. Perhaps a core set, or a shirt or just an awesome promo.
I will also be constructing an XP system where you get points for participation and wins.
The first competitive game would be at 5pm, with the second starting at 7pm, with the causal table operating the whole time, wrapping up at about 9pm.
I would like to start the Munchkin Monday League on April 4th at 5pm. I will be there at latest 4:30 pm to coordinate setup.
Ounce again if interested please post below. If you have any suggestions please post below.
Finally, I will be at the Abington store tomorrow at 5pm doing general demos, feel free to talk to me then.
Thomas Putney, MIB 1889.