Well alright. Since the boyos I spoke with on Sunday aren't replying, I'll lay out what I CAN do and am WILLING to do (please take these seriously, I have a job that eats up a load of my time so lesiure time is SERIUS BIZNESS) with those of you out there with...shall we say...stones
I'm usually available to do this sort of thing on Sunday given enough notice - so the soonest I could do this is three Sundays from now. I'd rather play Apocalypse but I generally stay away from strategems - they're pretty ridiculously OP in a lot of cases and I'm more a fan of getting to use the big tanks/guns rather than "Derp my whole ork army has strategic redeployment lulz" if you know what I mean.
I can currently field over seven thousand points with relative ease. All of it's painted and I prefer to play against stuff that's at least come within several yards of a paint bucket in its life. I also don't really like playing against 5 people who've come together to get to x amount of points unless they're folks I know pretty well.
And titans suck. Do not want!
Whew, that's a lot of ifs, ands, or buts. Afraid that's how I roll gentlemen and ladies. Anyone still interested, feel free to throw down.
Like I said, I can do orks or guard at that points level.