One of the busiest Thursday 40k nights in recent history. From the time I walked into the store around 4, there was 40k going on that lasted until 11 or so.
Pat's Hat beat me, his Vulkan list proving better than a not-Vulkan list.
Jason GK's ran against Bill's Blood Angels, and it would seem Psyflemen Dreads mock Feel No Pain like it's their job. Um, this is the new Jason who plays GKs two posts before mine, and not the Jason who plays GKs the post before mine. You figure it out!
There was a 3-on-2 game, with 3000 points per side. All I know is, that game sounded fun. Necrons, Black Templar, Orks, Chaos Daemons and Dark Eldar.
Tau vs Tau, Tau-tilly awesome. And there were two tables that I have no clue, just there was Warhammer, way over there.
So next week will be the last chance to practice 1750 lists before the tournament on January 7th. Next week will also be Thursday 40k's one year anniversary!