I was pretty focused on my match, so I don't remember too well what else went down.
Eldar vs Space Wolves, featuring Thursday 40k's first LED lighted models
Tau vs Space Marines
Tau & Tau vs Tyranids & Orks (??), all I know is this had the coolest-looking Tau deployment I've seen, bubble-wrapping with Hammerheads
After two weeks, the throwdown between Daemons and Necrons went down. Spearhead Annihilation. Wes goes for a familiar tactic of castling up. What I didn't expect was Wes to roll as poorly as I did. Long story short, the lesson learned was that Solar Pulse is optional. You know what helps Daemons? The cover of darkness. ("Stormlord, O-VER-RATED!") Daemons made it into assault, and we all know how Necrons handle that. My Keeper of Secrets was the hero, killing a Monolith, 5 Scarab bases, a C'tan Shard and a 10-man Immortal squad before finally succumbing. My Daemons did get the win, but I have to give Wes a rematch. Most of the models that would have helped the Necrons aren't even made yet. I'm posting my thoughts more in the Necron thread.