Author Topic: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Tuesday 40k  (Read 317023 times)


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #510 on: August 18, 2011, 01:16:00 AM »
Willem and I will be there!
Tau theme song, "jump around"


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #511 on: August 18, 2011, 03:56:35 AM »
Dont worry about me to much, I havent played much in the las few years.  Players were scarce in Hawaii.  Last time I've played was back in January, so I'm pretty rusty.  Only army not to fall to my guard was when I want against a chaos army.. held my own until they dropped in the deamon.. Though I survived until the turns all ran out.


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #512 on: August 18, 2011, 09:52:28 AM »
Dont worry about me to much, I havent played much in the las few years.
Well around these parts, that admission bumps you to the top priority on the list. We've got some patient guys who like to teach and run refresher games. Can't get better if you don't play! :)


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #513 on: August 19, 2011, 12:50:48 AM »
So there were two NOVA practice games.
Imperial Guard vs Grey Knights
Blood Angels vs Space Wolves

We had the MiniMegaBattle, with 13 players fielding 500 points each, everyone tucked into a 4x12' table. With the rules I posted a few posts back, things were kept on schedule really well and we had a decisive winner. Team Black scored more objective markers over Team Red, by a margin of 3-1.

Believe it or not, we chose teams randomly.

Team Black
Grey Knights
Chaos Daemons

Team Red
Imperial Guard
Imperial Guard
Space Marines
Space Marines
Chaos Space Marines
Blood Angels
Chaos Daemons

Red deployed first, but they didn't land enough damage to soften Black's counter-punch. By Turn 3, we had an idea of where the game was going.

If there's a next time, I'd tweak a few things, but overall I would declare the hastily arranged event was a success. With 15 minute team turns, it was very amusing to see rules disputes in motion.
"I have a 4+ cover save."
"No, you don't."
"Guys, one minute left in the round."
"Let's roll off."

A nice diversion, a good way for people to meet each other and learn armies. It'll be awhile before anything happens like that again, I think.

A note for those who weren't at the store tonight. Thursdays in Plainville will now also be featuring a Magic Draft Night. This means lots of Magic players and less back-table space to spread out. We're being asked to keep the 40k stuff compact as possible.


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #514 on: August 19, 2011, 01:10:06 AM »
As the Red General I have taken the fullest responsibility that a General of an Imperium army can. *shoots one of the Infantry Men* Thats for not fighting hard enough.
I ride in on my Bike with my Hat of awesome and say Nay this place should be on fire.

Alley Livingston

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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #515 on: August 19, 2011, 01:46:46 AM »
Might be getting up to Plainville this upcoming Thursday for some 40k. If I do it'd be a 1500-2000 point game, I run spacewolves. If I'm there I call you out for a game Ben. ^_^
So I win right?
You're not even playing.
So I'm winning?
Yes Alley, you're winning.


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #516 on: August 19, 2011, 02:21:04 AM »
Unless something comes up I'll be there next Thursday night aswell.  Like I said, first time playing sense January so I'm going to be a bit rusty on the rules and what needs to be rolled.  Spent today going through my finished models and orginizing them into units.. I'm ready to go!  I can't wait to unleash my favorite model, it's never been in a game before, see if it lives up to the title of "death on two treads"  LOL  So... ummm... any non marine, not chaos?  Those were all I ever fought in Hawaii, hated it.  There was one match though, against orks, so much fun.. but that was also under the old guard codex, not the crappy new one we have... I hate the new guard codex.... Anyway, rambling  :D


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #517 on: August 19, 2011, 02:29:45 AM »
I think I need thursday off. To teach this spacewolf girl a lesson in how we do things in the Aett. Silly bloodclaws think they can mouth off to just anyone now a-days.  that being said. The boss likes to choose my schedule by throwing darts at the calendar.  :-\ All threats and rants considered invalid untill i actually show up at plainville.
I do have a problem with Vulcan twin-linking every non-UltraMarine whatever-gun on the table.
Thank you for this Chase


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #518 on: August 19, 2011, 03:15:24 AM »
So... ummm... any non marine, not chaos?
My post-Thursday 40k breakdown just above is a pretty standard cross-section of what we usually see. We have an unusual concentration of Tau and Tyranid players in Plainville. Aside from that, all other factions are represented almost equally.

We'll be down a couple of our regular players next week, as they head off early to NOVA. For those unaware of NOVA, it's kind of a big deal. This year they'll be wrangling a 256 player tournament, the NOVA Open. The Invitationals is comprised of GT winners, a best of the best competition.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 03:19:16 PM by Benjamin »

Henry R

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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #519 on: August 19, 2011, 12:38:45 PM »
Last night was awesome! A little organized "hecticness" is nice every once in a while. I was pretty zoinked by the end though..."HENRY! HENRY!" *snap snap* "HENRY!" "Huh!?! what!?!? I'm at Battleground?"
« Last Edit: August 19, 2011, 12:41:34 PM by Mercury »


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #520 on: August 19, 2011, 05:41:06 PM »
It definitely was an interesting battle, It had almost all of the same problems as the mega battle, people wandering off/ standing around with nothing to do etc.  Makes me wonder that it might be an interesting way to test the next years setup and scenarios prior to actually playing the game.
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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #521 on: August 19, 2011, 06:31:31 PM »
even though it was timed if felt like a drag.
it kind of was really bored for 3 turns nothing really happened to me. well you did mind war me but that was pretty much it.


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #522 on: August 19, 2011, 06:41:28 PM »
It definitely was an interesting battle, It had almost all of the same problems as the mega battle, people wandering off/ standing around with nothing to do etc.  Makes me wonder that it might be an interesting way to test the next years setup and scenarios prior to actually playing the game.
I noticed the same issues as well! Despite the point difference between the Megabattle and our Minibattle, plus the different groups of people, the same tendencies popped up.

What I would take from the Minibattle and apply to the Megabattle is timed turns. Turns also would become increasingly faster as models are (theoretically) removed from the tables. It is possible to keep a schedule! It's a different concept and I'm sure not a universally accepted one... but, there's next year to worry about that.


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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #523 on: August 19, 2011, 11:19:53 PM »
In case there is / was any concern, the Magic Draft is currently only experimental.  I have been asked many times by many people to run a draft on Thursday and I am simply responding to demand and "testing the waters" so to speak...

Plainville's schedule, while awesome, is probably always going to be under construction.
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Re: Plainville's Official "Unofficial" Thursday 40k
« Reply #524 on: August 20, 2011, 12:34:03 AM »
I think something to consider if we ever do something of this level again is kind of limit the number of each type of army to each side. I dont mean say hey we can only have this many tau but we had 3 tau players and they all ended up on the same side and shot the heck up of the mech dependent armies that we had on Red Side. I did take a couple of pictures from it and as soon as I upload them onto my comp ill post them up here.

Things Red Team should take away from this game as lessons IMO.

Seize Ground/Objectives take the Second Deployment always. A Major downfall we had was they set up to counter us and luckily they didnt grab first turn cause I could have seen it ending turn 2 or 3 for the second table if that happened. The Space Marines I deployed myself did absolutely the least they could do because they had to move across the whole board to get to anything and nothing was in range of fire when I did on turn 5.

Dont Depend on Mech lists so much. This comes from the way the Meta-Game is right now a lot of people throwing a lot of anti-tank/Anti-vehicle around in there armies if they can only shoot once a round with something if you have 30 guys you will probably live through the 7 shots he can throw at you max.(looking at you Orkz)

Pay attention to everything on the board as a whole. I noticed we had a Librarian on our side of the table who could have at least attempted to stop some Grey Knight Shenanigans. This isnt particularly the players fault I know he was running from each table edge to try and control his army cause he was deployed everywhere.

Placement. Not just deployment but how guys deploy out of a vehicle whether it be wrecked or not.  If a guy is close enough to assault one guy he can assault the whole squad. I know we had lost some pretty decent guns because we had to get rid of those guys to prevent assaulting. 
I ride in on my Bike with my Hat of awesome and say Nay this place should be on fire.