There are two ways of selling any flavor of fiction: violence and sex. 40K wallows in violence in the extreme. In Slannesh, you get a bit of sex. I personally find it amusing whenever anyone who wallows gratuitously in violence, death, immorality, disease, sorcery and blood gets prudish with the sex. White skinned feminine models are cool, but an attempt to use vaguely realistic skin tones is disturbing enough to cause loss of sanity points? No 40K player ought to be rejecting an aspect of the game for reasons that it leads people astray morally. This would be the ultimate hypocrisy. 40K fluff is built on a solid foundation of gratuitous violence and immorality.
I personally find violence more problematic than sex. The story line behind my Ladies of the Night was created to a great degree to avoid the immorality associated with embracing GW plot lines. The reason my summoned infantry have realistic skin tones is to emphasize that they are more human and less vile. This does get me in trouble with fluff nazi. Does everyone have to be vile?
Like Rich, I am somewhat disturbed by some aspects of the game, but I feel it wrong to start crusades to make sure other people whose tastes differ from mine can't enjoy the game.
One of my Sophies is a 01406, identical to Urban Legend except for a bikini top. Ben, if your Sophie gets declined for reason of prudishness, I can lend you a PG rated Sophie. (She still has a sword. She can't get a G rating cause she is too violent.) I don't see anything problematic with your work in progress, though you could
possibly be more lavish with your green stuff.
This assumes I can find Miss 01406. She may be hanging out with those playing hard to get dancing girls.