Author Topic: Where to go now?  (Read 1114 times)


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Where to go now?
« on: November 03, 2010, 10:22:55 AM »
Can anyone give suggestions for where to go with my ogres list please?

Tyrant - maw seeker, cathayan longsword, 4+ ward item, heavy armor
Slaughter Master w/ wyrdstone necklace, maw seeker, tricksters helm, blood cleaver, heavy armor

6x bulls - full command
6x bulls - full command
6x bulls - full command
6x iron guts - full command
6x iron guts - full command

4x leadbelchers

1 ninja maneater w/ cathayan longsword, heavy armor

aiming for 2000 points. i like the ninja, the rest im willing to modify or replace

Poo the Great

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Re: Where to go now?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2010, 06:48:56 PM »
First... Are you all done with chaos?

Second... lacks speed and mobility, but ogres have very little to make up for that. Have you considered gnoblars? For a mere 2-3pts per model you can add some very effective sacrificial units, for the cost of a single ogre.

Also, you may be over points with taking 2 lords. with a 2000pt list that leaves you with only 500pts for Lords, and I know ogre lords are exactly cheap...


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Re: Where to go now?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2010, 07:02:12 PM »
Yeah. I never knew ogre kingdoms exsisted before somehow so I traded the chaos for the above and put the daemon prince on a 40k base

as to the list, I've seen slot of lists like it on forums. Maybe I can drop the commands to just a banner and bellowed and cut down on magic to but a unit of gnoblars. But I really want only ogres they seem very fun and I love the models (even If I didn't know they exsisted till a couple weeks ago haha)