Author Topic: Possitive remarks  (Read 2814 times)


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Possitive remarks
« on: September 09, 2010, 11:37:54 PM »
how about making a section on the new main page which is in clear sight and have it be a link where anyone can freely post (once per customer with a modify allowed) how they feel about the store and give new people a good feel for how the store treats its customers and fellow gamers. you know like a testimonial section for all the regulars to write a little something. i think that the management (chase, derek, etc) deserve a little reminder section to check now and then and get the morale check and really see how far they have come.  :)


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Re: Possitive remarks
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 04:43:29 AM »
Not a bad idea.  I guess if nothing else it would act as a nice little ego boost from time to time.

It also might get me wondering about all the nasty things people might have to say... Like when I forget to order or write down what happened to someones model or something.
"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it."
- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel


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Re: Possitive remarks
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 11:22:29 AM »
I dont know what youre talking about chase ::)

but yes, it would be a big tear-jerking ego boost for you guys, plus the first thing people want to know about a store is:

a. is there a fresh and friendly group of players?
b. is the store owners good to their customers?
c. do they use real terrain and other features to prove they care about the quality of every game?
d. is there a wide range of products available to me at my every whim?

and a testimonial link in the home page is perfect for people to give opinions and tell stories about that ancient box of magic you got for them or how next day you got in my emperor's champion model, or how the owner actually walk around talking to people and watching games. all that can go wrong is a few users mouth off about the store, and then people know theyre the assholes nobody likes anyways  ;D