Hey guys. I was a member of the Battleground community from January of 04' to September of 07' and I entered Magic: The Gathering tournaments every Friday (minus a few) from 04' to late 06'. But due to several factors, one being money, I faded away from it a month or two after Coldsnap was released. However, with my graduation from High School, I find myself going to college for only 3 hours a day, and so I (with much glee) picked Magic back up. So far I have spent around $125 on Core Set 11 cards. From these cards I have built a mono-white deck. I find myself a bit rusty on many of the basics of deck building so I was hoping to find a veteran of Magic to take a look at my deck. I want the harsh reality of how bad it is, and possibly a little bit of insight on where I went wrong and how I can fix it. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. I will be coming in today, the 11th and every other Wednesday from now on and most likely every Friday/Saturday Starting in September. I look forward to gaming with all of you in the future.