Here's the updated information about the Fantasy side of the tournament!
Announcing the Boston Brawl still under some development
DATE: May 15-16 2010
Cambridge National Guard armory
450 Concord Avenue
Cambridge, MA
Sponsored by:
The War Store
Troll Forged Miniatures!
* We are currently accepting registrations Registrations become official upon payment This can be done via pay pal at the following site Note that you must be registered on the Main Boston Brawl site to register for the tournament
* Please include your name, address, and gaming group in your registration .
* To secure your registration we must receive your fee of $50 before May 1st 2010. No refunds for registration fees.
* Current maximum number of Fantasy participants - 70. Anyone wishing to register after the first 70 participants, please contact the Organizers as additional spots may become available, and there will be a waiting list for these spots on a first come first served basis.
* If you have registered and, for whatever reason,find that you cannot attend please let us know so we can give ample notice to the any people on
the waiting list.
Saturday, May 15th:
o 7:30am - Registration Opens
o 9:00am - Registration Closes
o 9:30am - First Round Table Assignments
o 10:00am - First Round
o Noon - Lunch Break
o 1:00pm - Second Round Table Assignments
o 1:30pm - Second Round
o 3:30pm - Short Break
o 4:00pm - Third Round Table Assignments
o 4:30pm - Third Round
o 6:30pm - End of Saturday Games
Sunday, May 16th:
o 9:00am - Hall Opens
o 9:30am - Fourth Round Table Assignments
o 10:00am - Fourth Round
o Noon - Lunch Break
o 1:00pm - Fifth Round Table Assignments
o 1:30pm - Fifth Round
o 3:30pm - End of Sunday Games
o 4:00pm - Awards Ceremony
1. You must bring an army list of 2250 points or less, using the most current army list for your
army. Warhammer Fantasy 7th Edition rules will be used. The most recent rules
errata/clarifications will be in effect.
2. Special/named characters from the army books will NOT be allowed. Indy GT Chaos Dwarves, Kislev,
Rhinox Riders, DOW Giants, DOW units, and Regiments of Renown will be allowed.
3. Army lists must be submitted by May 1st 2010. Army lists that are submitted on time,
will receive 5 bonus points to their tournament score. Email lists to allanmcnab@rcn(dot)com. They preferably should be in the form of army builder file saved as an HTML, or word doc. If you have any questions, please ask Allan.
4. All of the most recent rules errata/modifications are in effect. The word of the Tournament
Judges is final.
5. For the most part, WYSIWYG models are required. This means no complicated proxy armies or trees that are demons or the like. Mounted characters must be mounted, and most models in a unit should be armed in the manner that befits their kit. Painted armies are required.
6. Bring everything you will need to play: measuring device, dice, templates, army lists, rules. Each player should also bring 3 objective markers, as well as a suitable infantry model to use as a "Messenger" for potential scenarios.
7. This event is about having a good time. Good sportsmanship is the most important rule.
8. The tournament will consist of 5 rounds, 3 on Saturday, and 2 on Sunday. The games will
be scored 20/10/5 for win/draw/loss. A win will be a victory by 300 points or more, unless a scenario changes the
victory conditions. The objectives to complete will change from round to round; sheets will be
handed out providing details on which objectives will earn bonus victory points.
9. Composition scoring will be done prior to the tournament by independent judges. This is
why it is key to get your list submitted by the due date.
Rounds 1 and 2 will be paired by army composition with you being paired with and opponent
who has a reasonably close composition score . Rounds 3-4 will be paired based on Battle
points using comp score as a tiebreaker among groups of identical battle points. Round 5 will
be paired strictly on battle points.
Examples have been provided, breaking down what scores certain types of army lists can
expect to receive. Obviously, this won't include every type of list, not even close, but it will
give a relative idea as to what the judges mindset will be for scoring.
Any army list that is considered too overpowered will not be allowed at the tournament.
This decision is made at the tournament organizer's discretion. The 6 Stegadon list
referenced on the
Composition Information page is an example of a list that would not be
allowed at this year's event. The members of the comp council will be different from those of the Crossroads Comp Council.
10. Scoring categories will consist of: Battle, Sportsmanship, Army Composition, and Army
Battle is based on win/loss/draw .
Sportsmanship is scored by the opponent after the game. in the following manner
0 pts: The opponent was rude and argues every move. I hope to never play them again in my life.
1 pt: We argued a lot and the match was not fun, but we didn’t need a judge every round.
2 pts: The match was average, but nothing better then I would have with my friends at home.
3 pts: The match was more fun then most of the ones I am used too.
4 pts: The match was the best I have ever had.
Any score of a 0 or 4 will be inquired on by the TO (lets face it, not everyone is a dick, nor will you really make 5 new best friends)
Army Composition and Army Appearance will be
scored by independent tournament judges.
* Battle points - 100 points
* Army Appearance - 20 points
* Sportsmanship - 20 points
* Composition - 20 points
* Theme - 10 points
* On-time army list submission - 5 points
There will be 7 awards:
* 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Overall will be a combination of all 4 categories. Sportsmanship will be
the tie breaker, Battle scores will be the second tie breaker.
* Best Sportsmanship is based on the Sportsmanship score given you by your opponents
with bonus points for as Best Opponent. Composition will be the tie breaker.
* Best General goes to the highest combined Battle and Composition score.
* Best Appearance is the highest Army Appearance points. Sportsmanship will be the tie
* Player's Choice - the player who receives the most Player's Choice votes, appearance
score will be the tie breaker.