Here's the breakdown:
Moon Planet Surface Sewer
Order Disorder Order Disroder Order Disorder
Round 1 - - - - - -
Round 2 10 20 30 10 7.5 0
Round 3 10 30 30 10 17.5 0
Round 4 0 35 38 20 17.5 10
Round 5 0 35
Round 6 0 53
Totals: 4.0 34.6 32.7 13.3 14.2 3.3
Final Scores:
Order: 50.9
Disorder: 51.2
As you can see, it was incredibly close. Every single claimed and contested objective mattered. Failing to claim or contest any one of them, on any table, even on just one round, would have been the difference between winning and losing. Literally everything that had to do with the scoring or contesting of every objective every round was critical.