I've recently been thinking about turning my test proxy tyranid list into reality. In my test list I've been running 2 Tervigon's. I'm up in the air about what to do to make them.
I've scowered a bunch of forum's. Most people out of symplicty have been using the carnifex model converted up, GW says to bash a carnifex and trygon model together to make one, but don't say what base to put it on!. I had an ah ha moment earlier this morning. Apparently a lot of people on other forums, are using the scythed heirodule from FW as Tervigon's. My ah ha was simply "hey, I have one of these and forgot about it!"
My questions is how big should the base for a Tervigon be? The fluff and pictures show him as basically a really big carnifex. If you kit bash a carni/trygon and use the trygon base its pretty big base. The FW heirodule base is basically a circlular trygon base. All of this matter for movement blocking line o' sight, etc.
I think either a carnifex or trygon base would be exceptable?
If people do not have a model size issue, I'd just buy another scythed heirdule running about $117 american, which is close to what I would pay getting 2xcarnifex and no conversion necessary. The other option is to wait to see when chapterhouse or trollforged gets there sculpts into production.