How is this program going for you guys? My girlfriend and I played Encounters 1 at PAX this past weekend and had a blast. We weren't able to get into Encounters 2 but we'd like to play going forward.
Are you guys running the event still? Do you have open slots?
We are both experienced 4E players. I'm an experienced 4E DM, I took the RPGA test and passed and everything. We played the Dark Sun preview this past weekend as well and crushed it.
We would definitely be interested in coming in Wednesday nights if the game is going. If needed, I could DM if there aren't enough judges. Whats the turn out been like?
The program had been going pretty well for us. We have a solid mix of experienced, casual, and inexperienced (brand new) players.
We are running the event and plan to continue running it. We do have open slots, but it's far from an exact science in terms of putting the groups together and when the games will start.
We have 1 group of 5 guys that have always played together on Wednesday nights, so they plan to always stick together. The owner of the store runs their game.
The other players are a bit more flexible. We have had one other table start almost exactly at 7:30 both Wednesdays. Last Wednesday (Encounter 2) we had to ask a couple of guys to wait a while before their group filled and we had supplies available.
If you would like to DM a session any time during the season just let us know. We can always use DM's.
I didn't get the chance to check out PAX but I did hear the Dark Sun game was cool.
Anyways, feel free to come down for 7:30 this Wednesday. Encounter 3 is a skill challenge so it will likely be a LOT faster than normal... which is already pretty fast. We are going to seat a group of 6ish players ASAP and then another after that, so long as resources are free to do it.
Last week we sat 15 or 16 players. Two groups at 7:30, one group at 9:00.