Hey all
I am trying to move my Orks in a more competitive direction but I am not sure where to go from here.
Right now, in a 1500ish point range, i field:
HQ - Warboss w/ power klaw, attack squig, cyborg body, eavy armor = 120pts
- Big Mek w/ power klaq, kustom force field, cyborg body, eavy armor, attack squig = 140
Elite - 5 Nobz w/ cyborg bodies, pain boy, 1 power klaw = 180
- 5 Nobz w/ cyborg bodies, pain boy, 1 power klaw = 180
Troops - 30 Boyz w/ Sluggas & Chappas, 3 big shootas, nob, power klaw, bosspole = 235
- 30 Boyz w/ Sluggas & Chappas, 3 big shootas, nob, power klaw, bosspole = 235
- 12 Boyz w/ shoots, 1 big shoota, nob, pk, bosspole = 112
Fast Attack - 3 Deffkoptas w/ twin linked rokkits = 135
Heavy Support - Battle wagon w/ hard case, zapp gun, 4 rokkits launchas = 165
i typed this out roughly from memory, so there may be some errors, but for the most part that is my 1500 pt list. Is there anything overly wrong with it or better selections then what I take?
My plan is usually the same, to put the nobz in the battlewagon and get as close as possible, hoping that that will be a fire magnet and let my two big boy squads ,pve up the field. One boy squad has the warboss and the other gets the big mek. If there are objectives I just try and plant 30 boys on two out of three objects for the win. The deffkoptas I usually turbo boast and try and get behind the enemies armor to shoot rokkits at its rear.
I would like to be flexible in my army to be able to compete against static firepower armies and assault oriented forces, but I am a little lost on how I need to change/upgrade the army and change the way I am playing it.
any tips on the list or tactics would be greatly appreciated.