Author Topic: DaBoyz GT 2017  (Read 3543 times)


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  • Posts: 473
DaBoyz GT 2017
« on: August 09, 2017, 03:48:35 PM »
If this is in wrong place or inappropriate to post please let me know:

We are excited to announce registration is now open for the 2017 Da Boyz Grand Tournament and Gaming Weekend. Da Boyz will be held on the weekend of November 17th-19th at the RIT Inn and Conference Center in Rochester New York.   This three-day gaming extravaganza features multiple gaming systems and formats.   This year we will be hosting multiple events in the Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar, WFB 8th Edition, Blood Bowl, and the 9th Age systems.  Fantasy 8th edition is now open to all and includes three one day events including a 1 day tournament, storm of magic and triumph and treachery days.  Our Friday schedule includes our famous doubles 40K tournament but also offers Blood Bowl (no experience needed) and an evening Triumph and Treachery event.      We have also added  a Friday Blood and Plunder demonstration event for the first time thanks to Drew Saxton!    We anticipate Warmachine will be added soon.     

Registration and information on specific events are available at

In addition to table top gaming players may also compete in our Best Table contest. If you are interested in competing in this terrain contest please email us.  Sponsor prize support for this event is already coming in!   

Venue Information:  We are now located at the RIT Inn and Conference center in Rochester NY.  A full service hotel with on site restaurants, and bar the Inn is located within a few miles of a wide range of eating and shopping options.     Register under the Da Boyz block.  Please note the RIT Inn is NOT at the RIT college campus please be smart when programming your GPS!

Questions –   contact us at: 

Important note on Email: In the subject line please indicate if you are writing about 40K/9th Age/AoS etc and Singles/Doubles and then your question/concern.  In past years we had over 200 army lists and a similar number of questions sent to a shared email address.  It wasn’t easy to keep track of it all.    Help us out by titling carefully!   

            You can find out more about the event at:


Twitter hashtag  #DaBoyzGT  @Khornelord

Help us make this event better then ever by spreading the word on social media and in your local gaming stores.  If you are willing to put a poster up in your friendly local gaming store please let me know.

We are super excited about this years event, and look forward to seeing you in the fall.   

"I'm going to sacrifice my pyramid turtles"
-Anonymous card player who makes me wonder if I sound like this talking about 40k!

Moss:"What operating system is it running?"
Bomb Technician:"Vista!"
Moss:"Where all going to die!"