Since it's air out all grievances thread, I'll go ahead and stop beating around the bush.
A good deal of your grievances seem directed at me. I'd like to make a few comments.
The "Frisbee" model is a plastic kit of similar quality, detailing and part count to GW models. The price was a bit less than GW would sell it for, but it would take considerable effort to find models priced as high as GW. The primary armament is twin WYSIWYG long barreled D-Cannons. The secondary is a WYSIWYG bright lance. I'm no Golden Demon winner, but I paint to a respectable standard, and I put as much care into painting that model as any of my other vehicles. The model was built for the Vehicle Design Rules, and was intended to be played WYSIWYG. It was built long before Apocalypse was dreamed of. I want to put it on the table. There are no Apocalypse data sheets for a twin long barreled D-Cannon super-heavy, so I chose a standard Eldar data sheet that was as close as I could get. This seems a better alternative than trying to create my own data sheet.
I was advised I should more clearly identify the rear facing by another Order player. I intend to highlight a pair of lines that were molded into the model at the factory. These lines identified the rear quarter last year. The armor is 12 12 11, so the front/side divide lines will not be highlighted.
The KFC bucket and toilet paper orbital defense laser has been properly insulted and banned. The four lampshade stompas I faced last year were not, and properly so. Considerable effort has gone into many of the scratch builds we've seen in the past, and will see in the future. I don't think that only those who can afford Forgeworld prices ought to be placing big models. Expect to see more scratch builds this year, though I have constructed none myself. I believe scratch builds should be welcomed as single models. I am concerned with the construction of a large number of the same model, whether they be GW, FW or scratch build. One of anything I believe should be fine. 3000 points worth of many copies of the same model is apt to be a problem. Anyone doing that is likely trying to create a mismatch, is likely power gaming.
I believe my model is well above the KFC bucket and toilet paper standard. The rumor I've heard is that a bunch of people on the Chaos side don't like the model, and are going to blow it away at first opportunity. This is the sort of attitude I'm expecting from the Chaos side just now.
I'll add that I've never seriously considered playing the Ladies of the Night in the mega battle. Their fluff suggests that they should avoid such events. They use chaos powers too much. The presence of their male brothers would too much stress their discipline and control, while the Imperials wouldn't trust them as allies. They are not missing because they don't match GW's fluff, but because of their own fluff.
I prefer to paint female figures. Maybe I'm crazy, or maybe everyone else is. I suspect the latter. Anyway, I've put a lot more work into the Lady's fluff than those who follow the GW story line blindly, and I suspect I've had more fun in the process. We have different ideas on how people might have fun with the game. Let's leave it at that. I'm not going out of my way to diss your army. In fact, I've used armies on my own side as examples of possible problems rather than going after opposing players. I'd appreciate a similar courtesy.