Battleground Games & Hobbies in Plainville MA
Format: 40 points
Date: June 4th, 2016
Time: Round 1 begins at
11:00am, Doors open at 10:00am
Entrance Fee: $
20.00Address:Battleground Games & Hobbies
25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762
Battleground's Facebook PageFantasy Flight X-Wing/Armada/Imperial Assault: New England Facebook PageContact:Please contact me at with any questions.
Rules:The Regional Championship is considered a premier level event and as such we will be using all of the rules and procedures found in the official tournament rules and FAQ/errata. The link to each can be found here:
Imperial Assault Official Tournament Rules Tournament FAQEach round will last
55 minutes and allow 10 minutes for set up.
The number of rounds will be based on turnout.
There will be a cut to a top 4 or 8 after the final round of swiss pairings.
Army Submission:We will require people to submit army lists as they register on the day of the event. We will try to verify each list before the tournament begins or soon after it starts in an effort to avoid any problems during the event.
PLEASE HAVE AT LEAST TWO HARD COPIES OF YOUR ARMY LIST WITH YOU AT THE EVENT. One for us and one for your opponent.Prizes will come out of the Fantasy Flight Games Regional Championship Kit:• 1 card worth a prize bye at the game's National Championship tournament.
• 1 custom acrylic trophy for the winner, forever commemorating that player's rise to the rank of Regional Champion!
• Limited edition components and items to commemorate the accomplishments of top competitors. Each game features a different selection of sought-after prizes, such as acrylic tokens, alternate appearance dice, playmats, challenge coins, or cards presented in wood or plastic.
• Sixty-four copies of a tournament-legal alternate art card from the game for the top entrants.
Additional prizes may be awarded based on turnout.